Not Even King Arthur Can Escape the Woke Wave

 Apparently King Arthur Flour has a new logo- and it's not *nearly* as nice as the old one.  Very disappointing.


  1. They're in Vermont. It had to happen.

  2. Yes, I noticed the change months ago. How sad. Although the knight pictured would have been Galahad according to his heraldry.

  3. Well, you know. Can't have a white guy on a black horse.

    Eric Hines

  4. Nor a Christian symbol.

  5. Anonymous3:10 PM

    What indication is there that the change was due to "wokeness"?

  6. That would be the way to bet, given other corporate changes.

    While it is true we cannot read their minds, we do have the evidence of Land o' Lakes and Bigelow Tea this year whose announcements definitely asserted that hey were making branding changes on the basis of cultural sensitivity. So the former no longer has an Indian maiden and the latter no longer has Plantation Mint.

    Putting "wokeness" in quotes is an indication that you don't believe it is a real thing and a real problem. It may surprise you to know that it is not only liberals who can understand social signals. it's just that only liberals allow that to make their intellectual decisions for them.

    Easy enough for me, who was raised a liberal in New England. If you choose to respond, confine yourself to intellectual arguments without emotional or social leakage.

  7. The company put out a statement that it was done to be more "inclusive."

    "'[O]ur brand is not about King Arthur riding a horse, and so we like the idea of how any baker can wear a crown and how that feels more inclusive,' said Bill Tine, vice president of marketing for King Arthur Baking Company."

    Of course it also excludes -- it excludes those who liked the old logo, and the central place of the Arthurian tradition in our culture.

  8. I wonder what "inclusive" means. Generic?

    Is there some advantage to imagining yourself to be non-specific "king/queen" over being a particular king?

  9. @ james - the more I think about your comment the funnier it gets.
