Bad Week for Michigan

"Trump vindicated in election claim" is not something Democrats want to read in the paper.
A judge in Michigan has vindicated President Trump by ruling that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, broke state law when she unilaterally changed election rules concerning absentee balloting in the 2020 election. This ruling legitimizes a key claim made by the Trump legal team in its challenges to the 2020 election....

Michigan was not the only state where Democrat state officials unilaterally changed election laws, so this ruling certainly raises legitimate doubts whether Biden truly won the election without invalid votes.

There will be more doubts raised as these matters continue to develop, I'll warrant, until no doubt remains.  



  1. The link appears to loop back to this post.

  2. Does this mean she could go to jail?

    No, won’t even get a hand slapped. Now that is the bigger problem.

  3. “Does this mean she could go to jail?”


    You know the law isn’t real anymore. It’s just another weapon used against the little guy.

  4. ymarsakar1:49 PM

    It begins.

    Finally. Many have awaited this domino chain

  5. raven2:02 PM

    "So waddaya gonna do about it, punk?"

    If it can be proven that the election was stolen, no if and's or buts,
    do we think for a second they will politely say, "OK", we were wrong, and walk away? Not going to happen.
