And Easter


No kids, so no Easter egg hunt, but I dyed some eggs for a centerpiece anyway, as a handful of neighbors will join us for Easter lasagna.


  1. Happy Easter, Tex.

    I fixed the embed that was causing you problems. New Blogger is notably worse than Old Blogger, as often occurs during updates. You have to paste that code into the "Edit HTML" version of the post, not the "Compose" version. For a long time I couldn't switch between them without the whole thing crashing, but they seem to have ironed that out.

  2. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Happy Easter!

    WordPress has the same "It works well, so let's fix it!" problem. Or at least, what is intuitive to the people who run the back end of WordPress is not intuitive at my end of the code.


  3. Aha! I'm used to switching back and forth between the two modes, for other reasons. I'll have to remember that trick.

  4. Gringo12:41 PM

    That bread-looks homemade- looks good enough to eat. :)

  5. Definitely home-made! I've been using some very reliable yeast I ordered from King Arthur flour.
