60 Minutes vs. the Oath Keepers

Last night, 60 Minutes ran an investigative piece into the Oath Keepers, the right-wing militia that is currently burning American cities and who opened fire on the Minnesota National Guard this weekend... er, wait, no, that was someone else. Oddly there seem to be no investigative reports into that group, whomever it may be. The Oath Keepers did, however, attend the 6 January protest in an unarmed fashion; and some of them did trespass in the Capitol, which they ought not to have done. 


  1. I don't watch TV news so rely upon those who do for referral info.

    Was John Sullivan of Utah mentioned at all? I've never quite been sure which of several "groups" he might be "embedded" with...

  2. I don't watch TV either. 60 Minutes is advertising the fact that they ran the report. I'm just... well, not surprised exactly, but noticing their priorities.

  3. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Trespass seems like such a strong word for a building we paid for ;-)

  4. Fear sells. Next, I will take "French Revolution" for $800, Alex.
