The Devil “Gender Neutrality” Dealt Fatal Blow

The Army admits that it has to score women differently from men if it wants women to be able to pass. It also eliminates the requirements for job specific roles, or that you pass the parts of the test women had trouble with. 

And you will only be ranked according to sex: “The new scoring system will ‘place everyone that passes the ACFT into an individual performance category based off of how well they score relative to their gender,’ tweeted Michael Grinston, sergeant major of the Army.”


  1. Just wait until they realize that they have to figure out how to score transgender personnel. Now, do you score transgender men as women so they can pass?

  2. You can't hide this sort of thing for long, Nature doesn't let you.

  3. I wonder how much Red Army, or PLA, or Daesh, or... bullets will respect the scoring.

    Eric Hines
