Neighborhood Ordinance: No Whining

Austin immigrants versus “toxic masculinity,” plus an awesome Caddy.

In honor of our heroes, some Tejano music you can blare as loudly as you wish. 

1 comment:

  1. Gringo2:47 PM

    From the link:
    “[W]e should shut this thing down,” a third resident, who blamed the lack of police response on the “idiotic” city council’s decision to slash the Austin Police Department’s budget, wrote in March on a building forum.

    It's a pretty good bet that the "third resident" voted for a Democrat candidate for the city council. You reap what you sow.

    The lefty/prog/liberal contingent is all for "diversity" and "inclusion." Unfortunately, their working definition- as opposed to their theoretical definition- of "diversity" is having easy access to ethnic restaurants. Their working definition of "inclusion" is to include everyone who agrees with them.
