More Dolly

Gringo misplaced a comment, but it deserves to be raised to the main page anyway because he has a much better version of the 'Dolly Parton at 14' video.
Gringo said...
So watch this old video Instapundit found. That's her at 14, playing for one of Cas Walker's shows.

The link, to a TV news short, had the video but had most of her singing erased in favor of announcer comments. Here is the the video with all of Dolly's singing. Much better than listening to a talking head's blather. WIVK-Radio Remote with Cas Walker and Dolly Parton 1961.
Like Aggie, I don't listen much to Dolly Parton-I prefer Western Swing- but have a lot of respect for her. (I worked with an accountant who had Dolly as a client.She had nothing but good to say about her interactions with Dolly.) That being said, Dolly's soulful singing at age 14 floored me. That is talent!


  1. Gringo1:13 PM

    Thanks for catching my misplacement.

    Another reason for my respecting Dolly Parton came from a TV interview of her in the 1970s. She had hit the big time by then. While she didn't brag about her success, she didn't have any false modesty about it, either.

    None of this: "Oh, 'lil ol' me in the big time? I have no idea how it happened. I just wanted to sing and perform. I sure am lucky!" On the contrary, she made it clear that from an early age she was aiming for success in the music biz- and she got it.

    More power to her.

  2. She gives unusually good interviews, always as thoughtful and genuine as they are sweet-natured. I enjoyed that clip of her 14-year-old voice, recognizably her, but obviously before she really got control of her unusual voice. Her genre isn't really mine, but I liked her voice the first time I heard it, as a kid in junior high, probably. She's pleasant in movies, too, Steel Magnolias and 9 to 5. Trying to make a white supremacist out of her is just a little too silly.

  3. Thanks for catching my misplacement.

    No problem. I would have just moved it where it belonged, but the new comment system and the New Blogger limit my authority over comments. Anyway, as I said, I liked your version a lot better.
