Medical censorship

It's been nearly a year since I was first startled by a bizarre new trend: a concerted effort to prevent doctors from communicating the results of promising new COVID treatments. Almost every new idea about treatment was relentlessly smothered. I believe it began with that deeply weird insistence that HCQ must be evil because the evil man expressed hope about it, followed by the even more deeply weird attempt to blame him for the woman who poisoned her husband and herself with aquarium cleaner. I had no idea then how much worse it could get. Even now, I'm unsure how much this has to do with suppressing any hopeful news about a potentially useful crisis, and how much is simply Nanny-State-ism, in which no ideas can be permitted even to be discussed--let alone recommended or used--unless an Expert Panel connected to the Right People had spent a year considering all aspects, political, social, and anything else that's not the tired old scientific method. The corruption of mind that led to declaring CO2 a toxin will undermine all useful science if we let it.


  1. Tex, you could have ended that second to the last sentence after 'Right People' and still been entirely accurate.

  2. "unless an Expert Panel connected to the Right People had spent a year considering all aspects"

    Unless, of course, it is a warp speed "vaccine" using a brand new methodology, bypassing all the old standards of testing and making big pharma amazing profits.
    The potential down side of this is civilization killing, unlike the present virus.

    Karl Denninger at The Market Ticker blog, has written extensively about this topic over the last year.

    And this guy is worried sick about the potential mutations caused by using a non sterilizing vaccine, sort of like having a few billion people take 1/2 their assigned course of antibiotics...

    At the back of my mind is the memory of OUR BETTORS at DAVOS making statements like the world would be better off with a 75% population reduction.

  3. ^^ should have been BETTERS, but on reflection as to what they propose...
    Maybe not.

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