Georgia Update: 404,000 Ballots Lack Chain of Custody

The Georgia Star filed an Open Records law request for chain of custody documents on the 600,000 ballots dropped off at “drop boxes.” Sixty-seven percent of those documents are unaccounted for, with 35 counties including Fulton refusing to obey the law. 

The margin of victory? Less than 12,000. 


  1. Say 90% of those 404,000 ballots really are legitimate and just got sloppy handling.

    That's still 40,400 bogus ballots against a margin of 12,000.

    The problem I have with the NLMSM on all of this--and with Trump--is that it doesn't matter if the peccadillos being corrected wouldn't have changed the Electoral College outcome, which seems Trump's exaggeration. They still were misbehaviors, of which the criminal ones badly want jail time, and the merely sloppy or incompetent badly want civil sanction.

    Yet, of all the myriad court cases brought over these things, nearly all were tossed on procedural or other technical grounds, not on the merits of the cases. The NLMSM has been carefully minimizing the seriousness of the misbehaviors will hyping the courts' rejections and ignoring the reasons for the rejections.

    Eric Hines

  2. Eric.." it doesn't matter if the peccadillos being corrected wouldn't have changed the Electoral College outcome"...that is *probably* true, but not with anything like 100% many other 'peccadillos' existed that have not been detected and reviewed? The standard media line that 'Trump's claims of election fraud are false' seems exaggerated, to say the least.

    (And even if the counting was accurate or within the margin of error...even if all the procedures for voter authorization, timing of mail-in ballot receipt, etc, were is actual accordance with law...then it remains the case that important information, such as the Hunter Biden laptop story, was systematically hidden from the public by both legacy and social media. So the widespread claim that it was a 'free and fair election' is, I think, definitely false.

  3. This is the type of danger the Carter Center warns about for elections in other countries - of large numbers of vulnerable votes. This is how the system is gamed. You can't prove that any of the votes weren't valid, so they go in the pile. It stinks to high heaven.

    You will notice that the Carter Center changed its tune this year. They are big on "accessible" elections now. I wonder why?
