A Curfew on Men

This idea seems to get proposed just from time to time, and the time has come around again in the UK. The problem, as Wretchard points out, is: who enforces this curfew on men? In this case, the man accused of the horrible crime was (in addition to being a man) a 'gun cop,' one of the few UK police entrusted to carry firearms. 

Why don't we have a 6 PM curfew on police, or at least 'gun cops'? Well, again: who enforces it? The unarmed police? The helpless victims? 

Ultimately there is no alternative beyond these: (a) let ordinary people protect themselves, which includes giving them the right to keep and bear the tools they need to do it; (b) accept those people being victimized by those you did entrust with power and/or weapons. All versions of (b) prove immoral over time.


  1. There was a suggestion at Insty that the high-risk areas they are talking about are Muslim areas, but they dare not say that.

  2. The proponent of the suggestion was a Baroness from the Green Party, who is surely too polite to suggest anything like that.

    "I might put in an amendment to create a curfew for men on the streets after 6 pm. I feel this would make women a lot safer, and discrimination of all kinds would be lessened."

    Really, Lady Jones? Discrimination of all kinds?

  3. Don't be silly. Of all the important kinds. Until something goes badly wrong, and then the old practices will be shuffled back in.
