The devil you say

 When that that happen?


  1. You can't blame him. He didn't have the vaccine that he received before he got into office until after he got into office.

  2. And nobody warned him it could be HARD. But teachers' pets get easy A's for effort.

  3. Mike-SMO8:30 PM

    Great funny. The Sock Puppet's only function is to dole out "Gibbs" and to provide protection from prosecution. Slo Jo & The Ho have never produced, created, or found anything of value. I am surprised that since President Trump got the vaccines created that HoJoe couldn't even get it distributed. I guess that working through the Obamy FDA, CDC, and state Corruptocrats (who could scratch their "bum" without castrating themselves), distibution of the "Gibbs" might be problematic. There are so many "friends" in that line, and so many incompetents, that it is surprising that anyone at street-level gets anything. The next "selection" is years away, so who cares?
