Gun Totin' Libtards

Update: I gave up swearing last year and had been doing well, until I was overcome by a confluence of unfortunate metaphysical circumstances this past week. I'll adjust the language in last night's post accordingly.

James McMurtry, who seems to be a very talented musical lefty bubble dweller, shoots up some Goya products. Funny enough. I do have to say, this is the Democratic Party in Oklahoma. No doubt.

Back when I used to be a Democrat from Oklahoma, I confused a number of poor souls in Massachusetts with this very same attitude. Those Yanks, bless their hearts, had no idea what to make of me. "Democrat? Guns!? What .... ? AAAAAAHHHHH!"

I kinda started my turn to the Dark Side when I realized the construction workers on campus with the USMC / Army / Sniper (what branch? does it matter?) bumper stickers on their trucks were much more "my people" than the ... um ... um ... a-Ka-DEM-ics with whom I was going to school.

Anyway. Okie Democrats. Massachusetts Democrats have to make apologies for us. That's OK with me. Maybe it'll be respectable to be an Okie Democrat again one day. (I should note, as part of this update, that I left the Democratic Party some years back, but I do hope they get their act together.)


  1. And by the way, my household would starve w/o Goya products. Yeah, I married south of the border. So @#$% anyone who hates Goya, whatever their politics.

    Um, does this bottle of rum make my language look foul? Adjust your eyewear as needed.

    I just miss the sea. Ya know?

  2. Gringo11:00 AM

    Back when I used to be a Democrat from Oklahoma, I confused a number of poor souls in Massachusetts with this very same attitude. Those *@%$ Yanks had no idea what to make of me. "Democrat? Guns!? What .... ? AAAAAAHHHHH!"

    When the mother of a childhood friend died several years ago at age 95, we exchanged stories about our mothers. My mother was born and raised in Oklahoma, but moved to New England, where I was born and raised. He said that my mother's inclination to shoot critters encroaching into her garden space was an indication of her conservative, Oklahoma roots.

    It was not difficult to locate a blog of a hometown peer where he discussed the Yankees of our hometown also shooting at garden-encroaching critters.

    Which reminds me of the time my brother shot a woodchuck. I decided to cut off some meat and toss it in a fry pan. Horrible, gamey taste. I later read that wild game usually needs to be treated to get rid of the gamey taste.

  3. Gringo11:04 AM

    So @#$% anyone who hates Goya, whatever their politics.

    I don't purchase Goya because I can purchase cheaper, such as a 10 pound bag of pinto beans @ 50 c/lb. For salsa, I make my own.

    Though I do like the way the Goya CEO snaps back at the "woke."

  4. I have a similar story. I was raised in rural Georgia, but about halfway through high school the teachers and principal called my family in and told them to send me somewhere else -- I needed a better education, they said, than their school could provide. Honest of them; honorable, too, to admit the limits of the institution you were yourself charged with operating.

    So I went to a very liberal school -- all the 'woke' stuff was already there in full flower, even thirty years ago. It was a great school, and I learned more there than I had ever in public school. It wasn't until I got well into grad school that I met anything like that level of academic rigor.

    Along the way I came to realize that I didn't actually know very much, although I felt very smart. I'm greatly in their debt for having shown me how much I needed to learn.

    Yet, though these were very nice people, and good moral people by their own lights, I never understood why they hated poorer Americans who had to work so much harder to get by. They really looked down on them, those truck drivers and construction workers who made their world work.

    In the end, I came home to them. They don't understand me either, but they're much more accepting of anyone who accepts them back. I don't really belong in either world, but I can see the value of them both. The one group, those ordinary Americans, are the ones who are easier to make a home beside.

    I don't purchase Goya because I can purchase cheaper, such as a 10 pound bag of pinto beans @ 50 c/lb. For salsa, I make my own.

    I buy Goya black beans now and then, because they're ready to use without me having to remember to put them in saltwater the night before. I make my own salsa in the summer time, and can it; but I never have enough to last the winter.

  5. This issue, It's not left and right, it's impoliteness"

    Take the ear plugs out and try listening, Jack, while the death threats are being made in Congress.

    Ironic that each bullet fired cost more than the target.

    On one thing we agree though, Desert Eagles are indeed a joy to shoot.

  6. You know, I really want to go shooting now, but ammo's gotten too expensive.


    Depending upon what you shoot, the deals do appear from time to time.

  8. Legend has it that Howard Dean's candidacy ended with the scream, but his numbers started dropping right after he said "I'm from Vermont, where even liberals own 2-3 guns." True of NH and ME, too. Even Western MA and NW CT until about 20 years ago.

  9. In the end, I came home to them. They don't understand me either, but they're much more accepting of anyone who accepts them back. I don't really belong in either world, but I can see the value of them both. The one group, those ordinary Americans, are the ones who are easier to make a home beside.

    Yeah, that's my experience as well.

    Thanks for the link, Aggie.

  10. Not fitting into either world, really, but feeling more comfortable around regular people seems like something most of us here share, and this is a place where we can feel more at 'home' than usual. Thank you to all of you for that, and especially our host, of course *raises glass* (Modelo Negra tonight, if you're curious).
