Different Cultural Norms

Joe Biden gave an interview last night in which he was directly asked about the genocide against the Uighur being conducted by the People's Republic of China. He said there were "different cultural norms," which is true -- the PRC's culture is apparently perfectly OK with genocide -- but a shocking and awful thing to have said. 

Jack Posobiec points out that some of these cultural norms embrace kidnapping the children from their mothers, putting them in camps, and making them proclaim their love for Mother China.  A German study suggests forced sterilization is ongoing; the State Department has reported on systematic rape. Presumably this is the same idea as in Braveheart: "The problem with Scotland is that it's full of Scots... we'll breed them out." Except, of course, in the movie it was only for one night; on China's "New Frontier," it's every night, while you're held in a camp rather than allowed to go home. 

The Thirty Tyrants (sadly far more than thirty of them this time) are hard at work to praise their true friends and allies, the leadership of the People's Republic of China. For our own sake as well as that of the suffering Uighur, we must not let them get away with this. At least the truth about what is happening must be spoken. 


  1. Years ago, I sat in on a philosophy course at Georgetown University. The professor...not your typical academic..developed a critique of social relativism, of the idea that right and wrong can & should be determined entirely by one's culture.

    Many, perhaps most, of students found his ideas strange, almost disorienting...they had never imagined that there could be any *other* ground for moral thinking than what-the-society-accepts.

  2. I guess it explains the ability to vilify one's neighbor for refusing to specify pronouns while also vilifying him for refusing to celebrate a Middle Eastern culture that applies a death sentence to homosexuals: one is enforcing one's own cultural norms against people living so nearby that they're deemed bound by them, while the other is merely respecting the right of distant people to do what they like. It's not a question of tolerating differences, only distance.
