
Wretchard suggests that it might be worth downloading some of the Project Gutenberg archives, in case you find yourself deciding to take your life offline. I went by to look and see what kind of things they might have, knowing Tex is working with them, and I was amused to discover that their Philosophy bookshelf is contained in a collection called "Philosophy, Psychology, Witchcraft." 

What's up with that, Tex? 


  1. They might be following an approximate version of the Dewey Decimal System, which includes parapsychology and occultism under its 100's: Philosophy and psychology

  2. Perhaps you're right. The only things I can still remember about the Dewey Decimal System is that mythology and fairy tales are 398.2, and biographies are in the 900s.

  3. One wonders who will be the keepers of the libraries if we reach the point of cultural apocalypse. I received a set of the Britannica Great Books from a neighbor when they were moving some years ago- that alone would be a decent trove of information, but it seems so little in an age where *everything* is available to us at a whim (information wise, anyway- wisdom wise, no so much).

  4. I spent a few days on the "Politics" forum at Gutenberg before recoiling. There are lots of people there who are very good at fixing typos, but the level of political, economic, and philosophical discourse is about what you might expect in a faculty lounge: high-IQ ivory-tower useful idiots.
