Competition Means Lower Revenue

If only there weren't so many women willing to sell nudes of themselves online, those who do could make more money. The NYT reports.

Apparently this is big business these days. Everybody's getting in on it -- well, the younger generation, anyway. 
“I’m a mom of three kids. I never thought anyone would pay to see me naked,” said Ms. Hall, 27. “It’s been a confidence boost.”

She has made about $700 so far — not enough to change her life, but enough to make the holidays special.
You could join the Navy at 27 and get more than that every month, but I suppose that's out of the question. Not that the Navy needs more single mothers; that basically is the Navy these days. 

It's a very bad world we've wandered into. I don't disdain these women, not at all; but I do wonder at the world that has made this choice seem reasonable and appropriate. So reasonable and so appropriate, in fact, that the market is saturated. 


  1. Lack of marriage seems to be a common thread. I don't write that to make an accusation that it's their fault and they should have known better, as blame can be diffuse. But it is part of this story.

  2. I think this also illustrates why people who do practically anything in the arts, such as musicians, find it almost impossible to achieve a middle-class living that matches their education and expectations solely by performing. Unless you break out to the level of being regionally famous there are just so many people willing to do for free or pin money what you're trying to do for profit that the market is saturated, and gig work won't cover expenses.

    To this specific case, men are also wired for variety. The famous models benefit mostly from wider exposure to potential customers.
