Test 2

 Typed in "regular" mode.

Typed in HTML view. ital, bold strikethrough.

Eric Hines


  1. Interesting. I tried editing this post in HTML mode, and it crashed again. There's clearly some issue where the HTML editing code Blogger is using is unable to load itself on my computer, whether I use Chrome or Edge or something else.

    I wonder what could be causing that?

  2. You've cleared the cache how?

    I sometimes (significantly more often than rarely, but it's not a common success) get problems cleared with a cold boot--power off and let the machine sit for a minute to let all the capacitor-resistor circuits drain, and then reapply power.

    Sort of a kinder, gentler Brogan maintenance move.

    Eric Hines

  3. So, I initially tried clearing the browser's history. When that didn't work, I cleared the Temporary Internet Files, old System Files, and anything else that I could think of that might be storing old code that had fallen into a looping error. So far, at least, I haven't managed to clear it out.

    I tried your 'cold boot' approach last night. I shut the thing down after clearing all that stuff, and even unplugged it so that it would really get cold. But the error persists today.

  4. Back up your Blogger files, then uninstall your Blogger application, then reinstall it?

    Is it possible to uninstall that from your computer, or is the Blogger entirely in the Alphabet cloud? It would seem your computer has some Blogger access code installed on your machine, at least.

    Eric Hines

  5. I don’t have a Blogger application. I just use it through a browser. I don’t think there is one.

  6. You might try using Edge or Chrome (and then uninstall Chrome as soon as you're done with the test). You might try uninstalling and reinstalling your browser. If it's Firefox, Mozilla gives specific instructions for how to do that so you can preserve your bookmarks and profile.

    After that, I'm out of ideas. You'll notice most of my ideas are glorified Brogan maintenance, anyway.

    Eric Hines

  7. If you didn't do this already, you might want to dig into the JAVA control panel and clear cached JAVA programs. We've got a JAVA app at work that causes issues when the vendor releases new code because of that cache. I believe it's somewhat separate from Temporary Internet Files. You may have to deliberately force cookies to be deleted. I recall that IE likes to hang on to them even during cleanups.

    I'm less surprised than Eric that an older OS/browser might work when a new one doesn't. Occasionally a vendor will discover the way a function works does not conform to documentation, and the non-compliance causes issues with new features or bug fixes. They will change the code in a subsequent release to enforce compliance with the doc, and it will cause problems with routines that used the 'undocumented' feature.

  8. Tried clearing the Java control panel, no joy. Uninstalled browsers, no joy. Maybe I need to install a different OS to get at whatever it is

  9. At this point, maybe it's worth it to drop a dime on a computer geek before dropping a quarter on a new OS.

    Happy Computer (now owned by ITRemedy) has always been good to me. 'Course it was, and still is, a franchise operation, and your local franchise might vary in quality.

    Eric Hines

  10. You know, I notice that even after uninstalling Chrome and not reinstalling it, other browsers have the same bookmarks. So maybe the bug is located in information Google is hiding somewhere. That would make sense, as Blogger is owned by Google (though barely supported).

  11. Yeah, but it's hidden on your machine. I'm able to edit in and out of Blogger's HTML on my two machines. It also acts like a corrupted file--possible a Blogger-created, or a Blogger-used, DLL, which is a type of Microsoft file that lots of applications share.

    I have no clue how to search/investigate those files.

    other browsers have the same bookmarks Other browsers have retained their own bookmarks, or other browsers now have Chrome bookmarks? If the latter, that would be another reason never to touch Chrome.

    Eric Hines

  12. Microsoft Edge, at least, has a bookmarks bar now that is the one originally from Chrome. Maybe Microsoft and Google decided to play together, somehow, which could explain why iOS is the only thing I have that still sort-of works.

  13. Microsoft and Alphabet don't get along well; I think Chrome has bogarded Edge.

    Eric Hines

  14. Possible, but the point is, the code that's wrecking my Blogger experience is probably there. Now I just have to figure out how to kill it. I've already tried removing Chrome and everything associated with it that I can find, but the bad code bleeds over into Microsoft products too.

    Let me try Firefox. I've never used it.
