In Praise of Grift

BLM Central might not be the Marxist insurgency threat they proclaimed, because it looks like they just kept all that money and spent it on travel and self-dealing

Capitalism wins again. 

UPDATE: They should be ashamed, these ice-cream socialists and their Commie chic


  1. Gringo2:24 PM

    As BLM was founded to help propagate a lie- that George Zimmerman was guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin- the BLM leaders' dipping their hands into the donations trough is no surprise.

    For another example of the BLM con, consider BLM and Venezuela. BLM co-founder Opal Tometi has met with Dictator Maduro, both in NYC and in Venezuela. When in Veneauela, Opal Tometi tweeted that she was glad to be in a country with "intelligent political discourse." Tell me another one.

    BLM wants to greatly reduce police killing of civilians- at least of black civilians. Guess what? In the US, police kill about 1,000 civilians- most of them armed- a year. In Venezuela, police kill 5,000 civilians a year. That is equivalent to US police killing 50,000 civilians a year.

    Venezuelan police kill civilians at 50 times the rate of US police, but BLM co-founder Opal Tometi loves her some Maduro-Venezuela.

  2. The rioters and looters and looting-is-reparations True Believers and destroyers of minority-owned and -employing businesses are squabbling among themselves.

    What a surprise.

    Eric Hines

  3. Let none among us cast the first stone. The true-believer "Tea Party" rank and file put millions in the hands (and pockets) of grifters, too. More lately there have been tales of the NRA...

    The foundations and charities and think tanks and institutes are all about hiring experts and attending conferences and flipping donations collected into donations to other causes or parties or candidates -- very seldom are they in fact working to advance the cause.

  4. That’s true; the TEA Party was stolen by grifters like Karl Rove. They were the only ones allowed to operate without IRS problems via Lois Lerner, being accredited members of the system. It’s a kind of immune system response I guess.

  5. Always good to see the opposition grifters stripping out the organization for their own cynical reasons. Less money for mischief-making

  6. ymarsakar1:46 AM

    Grim, time to kick out the grifters in Georgia.

    Lin Wood

    Recent updates on the heavy weapons BLM/Antifa suicide run: apparently they were told to stand down and wait for Kama in the WH. If that goes up in smoke... well they will be activated and Trump will have to do what he does.

    Overall, this whole election sting of T red's, has saved the Americans from losing limbs and loved ones at the polling stations.
