Extract or Die

"We'll be better off without you, but it would be criminal of you to leave." It's the classic beef of people who don't understand where prosperity comes from, and think they can lock the producers up on a plantation--but, as always, more vivid and unhinged in its peculiar California manifestation.


  1. Dissolving the state should be an option.

  2. It's already dissolving.

  3. ymarsakar4:01 PM

    Do they really think they can lock up the Sons of God on their plantation as slaves?

    Not even Heylel thinks that.

  4. I can tell you that I absolutely don't make as much as I could, because I don't want to work harder mostly to benefit the state, and would rather that time be put into my family. It's not always the easiest choice, but we're lucky in that we have circumstances that allow us to do that. But if we didn't have the family roots here that bind us (and to some extent our work is tied down by the fact that it's largely driven by referrals), we'd have left already.

    Maybe people will wake up to this nonsense eventually, but over and over, I keep hoping the latest outrage will do the trick, and yet the great march 'forward' toward the leftist inevitable failure cliff continues apace.
