Being Ordered to Do What I Want

Governor Cooper has just issued a revised 'Stay at Home' order that mandates you to be at home from 10 PM until 5 AM, unless you have a good reason not to be. I can't remember the last time I was out after 10 PM or before 5 AM without a damn good reason. 

So on the one hand I object to the order, which I don't believe to be good policy nor within the bounds of his authority. On the other hand, I'm nearly certain to obey it because it's what I wanted to do anyway.


  1. raven8:53 PM

    Sounds like a good excuse to sit up late around the campfire sharing tales, and getting up real early to go fishing. Just because.
    Where do they get these ideas, anyway? Is it just conditioning us to say "yes boss"? Is there any evidence, at all, that somehow staying home at night is going to slow the spread of a virus?

  2. I'm with Raven.

    A freedom unused is a freedom lost. Government telling me I can't be out and about because government says so is not just a good reason to be out and about, it's an imperative.

    And not just around the campfire. In town, too, with as big a crowd as may be.

    Eric Hines

  3. I mean, I could sit out and drink beer around the fire tonight or any night; I have fifty acres up here and there’s no cops within miles. However, it’s going to be 25 degrees at 11 PM. I’ve got a good sheepskin jacket and a rabbit ushanka, but I’ve also got a perfectly good house.

  4. Maybe there will be a midnight protest in town I could go join, not that I want to attend protests anymore than I want to be out after midnight. Christmas Mass, perhaps.

  5. Move to Texas. We're still above freezing, at least.

    Eric Hines

  6. I have something of the same reaction to the whole idea of lockdown--few things please me more than concluding that there's not a single duty to take me off my property all day long. Even when we were the closest we ever got to a real lockdown around here, last spring, there was practically nothing I ever wanted to do that wasn't on the list of essential activities. It made me a bit lazy about resisting the orders.

  7. Maybe there will be a midnight protest in town I could go join

    The powers that be ruled that the summer protests were a public health necessity. I wonder if lockdown protests would be so considered, he asked, rolling his eyes.

  8. "Christmas Mass, perhaps."

    I don't know about there, but I doubt there will be midnight mass here this year. That means I couldn't protest in that way if I wanted to.

  9. I would think that encouraging people to spread out their errands over the 24-hour period would result in less exchange of air. Lots of people who wanted to avoid contact would choose to shop at 11pm if they could, wouldn't they? This is just backwards and stupid.

    But it does suggest another motive, other than just being a BSD and telling other people what to do. It is also their mentality that they think they are supposed to Do Something in order to be seen as doing their jobs and get re-elected. Which may be true. People get enraged at politicians they perceive as "not doing anything about the problem." In the absence of anything intelligent to do, they do dumb s--- instead.

  10. So an upside is that my research into anyone holding a midnight Mass for Christmas revealed that a church not too far from here has a weekly Latin Mass.

  11. ymarsakar4:20 PM

    I guess you are in North Carolina Appalachia.

    You are missing the fun in Georgia, Grim.

  12. I wish I could miss the fun in North Carolina, too. I want to set up a new state made up of nothing but mountains.

  13. ymarsakar6:05 PM

    Oh well, I am having happy fun. I used to think I was misplaced on a timeline. Wasn't I supposed to be on some post apoc Terminator hell war or something, given my skills and talents?

    Nope, God apparently volunteered me for this era, and not the era of duels.

    I don't know where your soul line goes. I don't think it will be to the highest celestial realms, but it will at least be better than Earth 2020.

  14. “I don't know where your soul line goes.”

    Heh. Me either.

  15. raven7:20 PM

    "I wish I could miss the fun in North Carolina, too. I want to set up a new state made up of nothing but mountains."

    Sounds good to me. Come to think of it, this describes West Virginia and Idaho pretty closely. We will need to find a brewer, of course.

  16. I want to set up a new state made up of nothing but mountains.

    You might call it "Idaho."

  17. ymarsakar2:36 PM

    That idaho montana utah triangle is sometimes called mormania. Land of the mormons. Glenn beck converts. Bundy clan.

    Very big in survivalist circles
