Banning Election Talk

YouTube is the first to bar discussion of a stolen election. 


  1. ymarsakar3:53 PM

    People ban things as being off topic depending on what they think their dominion is.

    It's all a game they play. 2021 will show people who really should be banned.

  2. ymarsakar4:02 PM

    The fundamental reason why employees at Google, under Alphabet, think this is legit is mostly because they were raised on the internet. Where depending on who created the blog/forum/network, that is the person with sole dictatorial control over the content. I'm not sure why but maybe because the internet started out as the Wild West, and people had to create barriers and walls to defend their space.

    Humanity, at large, got used to an internet culture that is basically based on dominion. Whomever maintains the servers financially or whomever first created the space, controls what is going on, like some kind of colony with a dictator.

    This has gotten into the human akash as a legitimate way to do things, but Leftists, as usual, try to take it too far.

    This is ironic to me, because humanity lives rent free on Earth, a place they did not build, did not maintain for the most part, and certainly did not repay the Creators for living rent free on. Humans, being given things for free, now create a society where you have to "pay" someone to live.

    A certain bit of capitalistic resource unfair distribution going on. The ancient scriptures often had stories of communities living a monastic or God owns everything lifestyle. The people are just the caretakers of it, whatever it is. It is not owned by the community or by a corporate Mayflower charter. It's not sold or given away by human agreements. God owns it and determines what happens to it. But humans can't live under this type of economy because of their genetic nature, contaminated at certain degrees, with competition or service to self imperatives.

    The best people could arrive at was a flat tax, 10% tithe, on the gains.

    This contest between competition or cooperation, between allocating sources based on what the community says vs what god says, is getting a revamp in 2021. Secrets and shadows are going to come out, whether people like it or not. And that's going to have to be worked on for a very long time after that.

    But as humanity has started determining, in aggregate, that the "Dominion" system of life online is no longer operable given the power of big tech, God will provide a sufficient change. Since Earth was made by the gods, and not by humans, after all, this virtual reality universe full of dark and light matrixes.

  3. As Glen Reynolds says, nothing says "All OK here" like censoring discussion of election fraud while the lawsuits are still pending. In the meantime, 17 states have joined Texas in its lawsuit filed this week with the Supreme Court.

  4. raven7:09 PM

    One would think, if the democoms really wanted to convince people the results were legitimate, they would be the first to demand transparency. Throwing a cloak over the process merely confirms they have something to hide.

  5. Of this lawsuit gets thrown out just like the others, will it change your mind about anything?

  6. Why would it? I didn't make up my mind based on the conduct of people in authority, but on my own experience as an election monitor abroad. I don't need a court to tell me what to think; this has every statistical mark that we'd use to identify a stolen election in a foreign country.
