All Right, Let's Try This...

So this is done on Firefox, a browser I've never used before, which I will earnestly try to avoid allowing to be contaminated with either Google or Microsoft products -- since both of them seem to be at fault, if you've been following the technical discussions below. If this works, there should be an embedded YouTube video below (that being one of the things Blogger doesn't support in its Compose view, but which requires HTML code).


  1. Hey, looks like that worked. I didn't fix anything, but several days of troubleshooting did identify a workaround.

  2. DOuglas27:30 AM

    If it works in Firefox, then it will likely work in other less-known browsers such as Pale Moon or Basilisk that use a fork of the Gecko browser engine.


    I don't remember who suggested it to me, but I've been using different browsers to keep full isolation between personal/recreational browsing and various work projects. It has become especially convenient now that both of my main gigs use Microsoft365 for email -- I can have Firefox open for 'Job A', Pale-Moon for 'Job B', and neither of them know what products I've been searching on Amazon using Basilisk.

    Switching from Job A email to Job B is just a control-tab rather than signing out and back in, and it is easy to copy and paste between realms should I need to.

  3. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Looks good to me! I've been using Ixquick on Firefox or DuckDuck on Firefox on my personal computers for a while and they seem to do what I want. But I also use Wordpress for blogging, not Blogger, so YMMV.


  4. Looks good on my Firefox/Win7Pro/Dell laptop setup.

    I also use Wordpress, but I host it on pair Network rather than let Worpress--which censors as assiduously as Alphabet--host it

    Eric Hines

  5. Gringo5:21 PM

    Have you tried Brave for a browser? I changed over from Firefox.

  6. Fun commercial. I don't see many, of course.

    Black Rifle is advertised on the National Review Great Books podcast, and I bought some for my fifth son's GF from the Army Reserve Unit he just exited (who I hope will become a daughter-in-law shortly).

  7. I use Brave as well. Chrome engine, but super-focused on privacy. It can be a bit annoying to get used to because it defaults to block pop-ups and ads, but once you can set it up as you like and once you're used to it I think it's a better browser.

  8. I've been using Brave for about 6 months now and I am quite pleased with it.

  9. I’ve never heard of that browser. Maybe I should look at it.

  10. It's the brainchild of Brandon Eich, who created and then was driven from Mozilla (Firefox browser) for his donating to California's Prop 8 (define marriage as man-woman) campaign. So he went out and created Brave. That's part of the reason I use it, as a former Firefox user.

  11. Gringo3:00 PM

    Once I figured out how to transport my bookmarks from Firefox to Brave, I made the change.
