A Different Kraken

J. Christian Adams shines the light on a Kraken that may account for a legitimate* Trump loss.

Two things happened in 2020. First, COVID led to a dismantling of state election integrity laws by everyone except the one body with the constitutional prerogative to change the rules of electing the president – the state legislatures.

Second, the Center for Technology and Civic Life happened.

According to Adams, the CTCL is a "non-partisan" nonprofit that focuses on get-out-the-vote efforts in urban areas. Billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg gave them hundreds of millions, and they in turn spent that to reach urban voters and get them to the polls last month.

They are non-partisan to the extent that they didn't focus on Democrats or Republicans, just generic "Go Vote" type efforts, but they focused their efforts on urban areas that typically vote Democrat. Little was done to get people to vote in areas that typically vote Republican.

Adams's article is worth a read. The CTCL may account for some things that look like anomalies in this election. And it's something Republicans may very well need to duplicate if they are to be competitive in future elections.

Adams based his article on research by the Capital Research Center, if you want to take a deeper dive.


* Grim rightly points out in the comments that the "dismantling of state election integrity laws by everyone except the one body with the constitutional prerogative to change the rules" would not be part of a legitimate loss by Trump. I was too focused on the CTCL when I wrote. My apologies.


  1. 'The dismantling of state election integrity laws by everyone except... the constitutionally appropriate body' does not equal 'a legitimate loss.' In fact that very issue is going to be before the SCOTUS tomorrow morning.

  2. That is quite right; I was focused more on the CTCL. I'll make a note in the OP.

  3. raven8:09 PM

    If Trump loses, there won't be another legitimate election.
    This election is not about policy- it is about controlling the machinery of government.

  4. No, raven, I don't think we're there yet. One reason is that the Republicans did so well at the state level, now controlling 30 (31?) state legislatures outright, including in some of the swing states. They can change the way elections are done in their states to make sure this nonsense doesn't happen again.

    And we're getting close to the 35 necessary for a constitutional convention.

    Given how well Republicans did in the House this time, 2022 could possibly give Republicans control of both houses of Congress, and Trump 2024 has a nice ring to it. Give us 2 years with the House, Senate, and Presidency, and a lot of election problems could be solved.

    So, we're not there yet.

  5. Tom,
    We will know in six months. I want to to believe you, but fear we are all operating under a normalcy bias that impedes our vision. The "new normal" is not normal.

  6. Yeah, this is definitely not normal. Why do you think we'll know in 6 months? I tend to look to 2022 to see if the state legislatures will actually do anything to remedy the situation, and to see what happens in the elections that year.

  7. raven5:35 PM

    The left is salivating-if Biden is inaugurated that will be enough time to see if the crazies take full control of the D power structure.

    The states have some power, but the Feds dwarf it. Ask Kemp's daughter about the deep state. Micheal Hastings all over again.

    One aspect of normalcy bias is the belief in existing systems, like the courts, to resolve political issues. Or the belief in traditional restraint, like allowing a peaceful transfer of power without retribution. There is an increasing trend on the part of the left to use force both as a lever, and for vengeance.
    If Biden is inaugurated, one solid example will be if the left tries to go after Trump and his family, either with drummed up charges or violence.

  8. I suspect the crazies would gain a lot of power under Biden, but that doesn't nullify the power of the states, and we still don't know what ACB's impact will be on the USSC.

    I'm not saying it can't happen, but I still think 2022 will give us a much better idea of where we really are.

    That said, if the Ds win the Presidency and Senate and actually do pack the Supreme Court, that would be a huge step towards fascism.

  9. There are several scenarios that could play out. It's a chaotic time.

    1) Trump somehow gets his second term. Riots in the streets; substantial unrest across the country. Military may or may not be willing to obey orders to re-impose control (they apparently defied him on the Insurrection Act in June). Where does that end up? Nobody knows.

    2) Biden is inaugurated, Republicans hold Senate. No progress on anything substantial for two years, except the globalist agenda both parties agree on. China makes hay while the sun shines, but 2022 might see substantial Republican gains in states that still have fair and/or constitutional elections.

    3) Same scenario, but Biden dies or resigns/is removed for medical reasons. Harris administration presses for intensely radical Social Justice action through executive orders, but can't do much with the law.

    4) Biden is inaugurated, Democrats take Senate. Biden will be easily driven by the radicals, but his own inclination is going to be for restoring the pre-Trump order that he built his life setting up. SCOTUS might not get packed; there might not be new states, etc.

    5) Same scenario, but Biden dies/etc. Wheels come off the Republic as we go hard on court packing, new states, eliminating the electoral college, mandating states change election laws to make cheating easier... er, I mean, 'democratic election reforms' ... etc.

    Probably the most stable solution is (2), if Biden can live long enough to see us through his term. That's got to be motivating a lot of the decisions being made in government, including in the courts.

  10. ymarsakar4:25 PM

    I'm half way between the Raven camp, the Grim camp, and the Tom camp.

    Which is to say, none of them applies accurately. I have been entirely in one of those camps at certain periods of time. Before 2007, I was in the Tom camp. After 2007, the Grim camp or Raven camp.

    Now I'm in the Winter of Discontent camp or New Age camp, whatever that means. Entertaining progression, but not very useful for outsiders looking in.

    Suffice it to say, I and God were not wasting time since 2007. We made sure of certain things in this world. Future proves past.

  11. ymarsakar4:28 PM

    If Trump is playing 4d chess in 2018 with EOs, firing squad additions, DOD purges 2020, and on and on and on, what was I doing in 2007? What has God been doing since the Founding America, checkers?


    5d chess. 6d chess. 7d chess. 8d chess. It just goes on and on. Depends on how muc hchunk of the time stream is being occupied, dominated, and manipulated. If a person is predicting or planning moves 2 years in the future, like a T red, then he is good or better than average. How much better than average is God as a chess player?

  12. ymarsakar6:13 PM

    Also, 3 months. December and January at most.

    I did not support T Red with my Divine energies for most of the 3 to 4 years of his administration. Because I could not verify or was busy doing other things, that he was not going to go full martial law tyrant on the United States.

    I had enough of traitor Husseins.

    Now though, I can see what God had intended when using this instrument called DJT.

    The federal power is indeed immense. Which is why DJT has up until around jan 20th, 2021, the Dawn of the Golden Age, to pull the trigger. Use it or lose it. DJT, due to his positive polarization, is giving the courts and the American people plenty of time. He is not a Maduru or Chavez, but he may indeed pull the trigger and become a Pinochet. An infamous dictator that Americans will treat like Qaddafi, Pinochet, or Turkey's military.

    This is not a prophecy but here are the bread crumbs.

    Lockdown emergency powers, June 2020. 2018 emergency power EO. DOD counter purges. Chris Miller. Special Forces direct under Miller, loyalist/patriot under T red.

    T Red is Tyrannosaurus, Red for the color of the party.

    The LEft will certainly see T Red as a tyrant. Even some patriots. But will it be necessary? We'll see in 3months.

    God has declared, time is up. The Deep State, human lawyers, the courts, the voters, can all lament and argue and fight. But it is meaningless. Time is up.

  13. ymarsakar6:15 PM

    Also Flynn. McInterney. Military tribunals. Treason. Martial law. Sidney Powell is licensed as a military lawyer, meaning she can participate in tribunals.

    The dots connect themselves at this point.

  14. The problem with pattern recognition is that it sometimes recognizes patterns that aren't really there. Just recently I've encountered many things that my brain identified, from long experience, as my dog moving around or lying on the porch; but my dog is gone, and my brain is simply tying things into expected patterns that no longer apply.

    Some of this is like that, I think. McInterney is unreliable, in the way even great old men can become. The ability to distinguish declines with age, and trust replaces it as a walking stick replaces once-strong legs; and sometimes they trust the wrong people.

  15. ymarsakar2:57 PM

    It is precisely mcint s age and lack of reliability that q intel would use him. He draws fire. This spy stuff does not seem very intuitive to you. To me it makes more sense. It is like a feint of plausible deniability.

    They can deploy a mcint and scare the hell out of the ds. Initiative is with q. They can pull the trigger or not. If not, plaisible denial.

    They have been floating this mass arrest thing since 2017. How long can anyone stare death in the face before losing it? 3 years is how long the enemy has been fighting their defeat. Yes patriots are disillusioned also. Collateral damage in psy war.

    I have advantage of the heavens and divine messages when interpreting patterns. I can also use p5 tele empath abilities to cheat.
