Vote Cimmerian

As a rule I've always thought the 'lamentations of the women' line was a bit harsh, although it's a softening of what Genghis Khan actually said. It's also true that a Greek epic poem characteristically includes lamentations by some of the female characters, so the line was apt for a movie that aspired to the epic mode.

If Trump wins, the lamentations of the women opposing him are definitely likely to be epic in character.


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I should get one of those to go with my "Cthulu for President: Why Settle for the Lesser Evil?"


  2. I have that one, too, LR. This one goes better with my "Strange Women Lying in Ponds Distributing Swords 2016" though.

  3. At the risk of ruining the levity... Steve Hayward has a couple of interesting graphs of exit poll data at

    It appears if Trump loses it'll be because he lost support among white men from 2016. He appears to have gained support from everybody else, including white women.

  4. ymarsakar8:19 AM

    It makes sense, since Genghis Khan was only one of 2 or 3 humans in the last 26k mini cycle, that was harvested to the negative density. Meaning, he became a junior devil for the dark gods, so to speak. Even in that world, he was only given a lower role and he started at the bottom of the totem pole.

    If all the Catholics of the world could see that and vote as Vigano wrote... Trump would have won by now.

    But as I wrote before, it'll take until nov 12-20th.

  5. If Trump loses it'll be because of fraud. He won the highest vote share of nonwhites since 1960; and everywhere he's suddenly losing are Democratic cities that found reasons to stop counting for a while, then suddenly found massive Biden votes.

    Michigan and Wisconsin are particularly ugly.

  6. ymarsakar3:30 PM

    They actually targeted georgia
