Theories: A Quick Ranking

 There are a number of theories about the election, not all of them equally good. Some should be discarded at once; others merit investigation.

Here is a quick sketch of a view. Feel free to opine in the comments about others, or about why you do or don't agree with my list.


"Scorecard"/"Hammer" theories. These are nonsense. 

Auditing Georgia's absentee signatures. The President keeps talking about this. It's a great idea in principle, but in practice it's impossible because they set up the system to separate the envelope signatures from the ballots and discard the signed envelopes. There's no way to audit this aspect of the election, just as they intended, the scoundrels.

Take Seriously:

Dominion. This one has robust bipartisan support, at least if you abstract from the current moment and look at recent years. It drew a great deal of hostile coverage from the media, including from PBS; Elizabeth Warren was hotly opposed to it. Also, Wretchard thinks the system is fundamentally insecure, and he's a tech-centric guy and one of the smartest writers out there. 

Georgia uses Dominion for the non-absentee votes, by the way, which means it ought to be a bipartisan issue even in the current moment. The Democrats would like to win the January 5 Senate runoffs, and how can they have confidence that the vote will be fair in a Republican-held state with a Republican governor and Secretary of State, and no less a governor than Kemp, whom they already regard as a chief voter fraud agent?

3 AM Election Drops: There were apparently several of these, all massively to 100% in favor of Biden, often in numbers sufficient to overcome Trump election-night margins. So too similar stories of corruption attested-to in sworn affidavits by people who were there to know what they saw.

Wild Turnout: Turnout was high this election, but some places it was far higher than in others. That is worth a look.

Joe-Only Ballots: These look a lot like fakery. Who stands in line, or goes to the trouble to apply for a ballot, and then votes in only one race? One goofball, ok, but 95,000 of them in a single state?

Statistical Evidence: Trump won all but one bellweather county; he won Florida and Ohio and North Carolina; the Republicans won all 27 'toss-up' Congressional races. He increased his vote count by 10 million, doubled his percentage of the black vote, and increased among Latinos strongly enough to win Florida and the border of Texas on the strength of their votes. Democrats almost lost the House of Representatives and are skin-of-their-teeth in having a Republican Senate too. 

That kind of thing suggests Republicans had a really good year. Trump is personally hated by many, but not generally by Republicans. Supposedly Biden won on the strength of turnout -- but Trump had people standing in freezing weather, in a pandemic, for massive rallies every city he went to. If the story is to be believed, Biden had no coat-tails for a guy who drove the biggest turnout ever; Trump had coat-tails, but no coat.

Just a running list of thoughts for now. Feel free to add, or try to subtract.


  1. Very nice summation Grim. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, has the same feathers as a duck, looks like a duck, when cooked tastes like a some point, it's time to conclude...IT's A DUCK!

  2. Auditing Georgia's absentee signatures.
    Absolutely do this, or explicitly strike the law as unconstitutionally vague. State law requires the signatures to be matched, and no one in the Executive or Judicial branches of the State government can alter that. Full stop.

    If they can't be matched the votes are invalid. Also, full stop. Learn the lesson for the next time. An optional Part B to this is to invalidate the election altogether in the precincts where matching cannot be done, and redo the election. Remind the State to be mindful of the 14 Dec deadline and of the 14th Amendment, Section 2. Don't dawdle on the redo.

    Dominion and 3 AM Election Drops dovetail nicely: Dominion allows the vote tallies to be monitored in real time and trends constructed so it's easily determinable how many votes are needed to overcome the deficit by a plausible amount. I have no problem per se with 3am drops; however, the poll watchers/monitors need to be present to observe the deliveries and inspect the newly delivered ballots. If the hour is too inconvenient, the ballot boxes must be secured by someone other than the delivery facility and either party until delivery can be accepted at a more decent hour--say, 10am.

    Wild Turnout
    With both parties so heavily pushing GOTV, wild turnout isn't unexpected. Worth a look, though, especially in light of the fact that mailed ballots--whether absentee ballots being returned or mailed-out ballots being returned--were rejected for this or that reason at a far lower rate this year than in 2016.

    Statistical Evidence
    Like this: and especially Miller's declaration at the link in the article.

    Eric Hines

  3. A President having no or even negative coattails isn't unheard of. JFK won in the same election the Democrats lost 2 of 66 Senate seats and 22 of 283 House seats (a bigger percentage drop than Biden is on track to lose).

  4. Yes, but JFK barely won that election. They were within .2% of each other. Biden is supposed to have run away with the greatest vote in history.

  5. A President having no or even negative coattails isn't unheard of.

    Yeah, but a President with blank coattails?

    Eric Hines

  6. Absolutely do this, or explicitly strike the law as unconstitutionally vague....If they can't be matched the votes are invalid.

    Not that I disagree, but I don't know how that happens. The law isn't vague, it's precise. They explicitly wanted to make the vote un-auditable. Kemp only switched from the previous un-auditable electronic voting system under court order, and he picked Dominion to replace it -- plus this system of mail-in voting where signatures are separated and discarded on entry. There's no way to check it.

    Great if you can get a court to throw out the election, but that's the only remedy.

  7. Great if you can get a court to throw out the election, but that's the only remedy.

    That's the fear I have that I noted in the comments of an earlier post. The problems are so broad, so huge, that it'll be problematical--hugely problematical--to find a judge or five Justices who won't shy away from recognizing the magnitude and ruling accordingly. Too likely, they'll all hide their eyes and leave things alone.

    Eric Hines

  8. Eric - yes. Clinton in 1992 (Dems lost 9 House seats) and W in 2000 (Reps lost 2). Carter in 1976 only gained 1 House seat.

    Ignore the lopsided popular vote driven by CA and NY. Biden's effective margin (votes to flip for Trump to win the EC) is about 6K in GA, 10K in WI, and 41K in PA. Pretty much how Trump beat Hillary in 2016.

    I agree with Eric though for slightly different reasons. Did fraud matter? Probably given the above but the evidence so far doesn't provide a smoking gun that would invalidate an entire election (problematic given the time crunch as well) or cause a wholesale discarding of votes. Remember that even as Trump was losing WI the GOP held all their Congressional seats there.

    Trump lost. Narrowly, but he still lost.

  9. ymarsakar6:43 AM

    Why the dismissal of Scorecard, your insider sources said something?

  10. ymarsakar8:30 AM

    Grim, part of my promise to you is that I would break the GOP traitors.

    Ironic if it begins in Georgia but fitting, as my territory is here after all.

  11. CB:

    Ignore the lopsided popular vote driven by CA and NY. Biden's effective margin...

    See, though, that's another thing. Republicans flipped three Democratic House of Representative seats in California this year. It's not like Biden ran up a huge margin of victory there; California was significantly redder than usual.

    I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm just saying that it doesn't look right to me. None of the markers I'd expect for a titanic election total like Biden's supposed to have attained are present.

  12. . Did fraud matter? Probably given the above but the evidence so far doesn't provide a smoking gun that would invalidate an entire election (problematic given the time crunch as well) or cause a wholesale discarding of votes. ...
    Trump lost. Narrowly, but he still lost.

    Umm, what evidence? All we have is a) what the NLMSM chooses to publish and b) what the lawyers choose to release to the NLMSM--who are shrill in their hysteria that the lawyers won't tell them, dammit! Because the NLMSM deserves, has a Press-Given Right to know first above all others, to see the evidence before it's presented in court.

    Never mind that the evidence belongs first in court. Never mind that giving the evidence to the NLMSM tells the opposition what the other side knows and what the litigation strategy is because even an honest press will publish and the opposing parties will read.

    Maybe Trump lost. Maybe he has enough of a series of cases to win. There's no evidence--none--either way until it's in the courts and the trials are done.

    Nevertheless, even if the cases are lost, even if Trump loses the election, the cases need to be pursued. Meekly accepting the results under the conditions from which the results seem to have been gotten (who "forgets" to input thousands of votes? On what basis does a State executive or a State or Federal judge contravene a State law on accepting votes in direct, deliberate violation of our Constitution?) will only make the next election's errors of sloppiness and laziness and of outright fraud much worse.

    And that meekness will only demonstrate that the Republicans will have reverted to their prior beg-for-surrender stance.

    Eric Hines

  13. ymarsakar8:45 AM

    The journalists are doing their job. They intend to leak anything Sidney tells them, to the Leftists so that they can save all of their mafia skins.

    Gateway pundit has gone almost purely Ymar in their crusade.

    So has Sidney and Rudy. When I say I will thrash, purge, and destroy the Leftist alliance, that does not mean I do all the work. Sidney and Rudy are not me, yet they are taking the plan and carrying it to fruition. Which is fine.

    As I promised to Grim, the GOP traitors I will take care of, after the Leftist alliance is broken and purged. But if it can be done in tandem, that's fine too.

    Kemp opened up pretty early and received Trump support in his election. I do not think Kempt will be stupid enough to choose the Deep State treason. Although I could be wrong, Mitt Romney apparently thinks the LDS tradition of his allows him to go full Deep State. Sighs. His choice. Won't be the first time an LDS turned apostate on the Christ.

    The entire United States system will burn down. And I will be the one torching it. The election system faith, is only one part of the equation. There are more.

    Only from the ashes, can the reborn New Atlantis phoenix, truly be born without being aborted by human traitors and Leftists.

    I am appreciative, although I did not appreciate at the time, when those here treated me as a troll, a clown, and dismissed my views as crazy or conspiracism. That likely saved me from being red flagged.

    I appreciate that. I really do. And I will repay that in kind, albeit in my own unique fashion. Trump loses? Haha. Not when a Son of God says otherwise.

  14. Why the dismissal of Scorecard, your insider sources said something?

    You could put it that way.

  15. ymarsakar6:56 PM

    There are 2 cias. The black budget and the white budget. Congress has blicked white cia but they have never touched one unit of the nlack budget. A simple reason. They have no knowledge and no oversight 9ver it.

  16. ymarsakar7:07 PM

    The storm is here, humanity. Winter is....

    Did not expect wood to out ymar the rest so fast.

    So now it is vigano, flynn, veritas, trump, sid, rudy, and lin w that sounds like ymar, grim. Heh.

    Counter: we will just kill them or stall for deep state.

    Y: haha. There are multiple son of god class avatars protecting them, plus angel and archangel class powers. Not even i could put a dent into divine will there.

  17. ymarsakar9:50 AM

    The numbers I crunched before nov 3rd, was Trump landslide, Jan 20th, 2021, and 70/30 ratio for Trump over B.

    Actual total votes, 80-100 million for T, 30-50 million for B.

    I know, that sounds stupid, but that is the number the Divine analysis showed.

  18. ymarsakar12:11 PM

    Here's another theory. Cynthia Mck, 6 term congress woman, is now repeating Trump points on vote steal.

    It's like the apocalypse. Of Georgia. Eh, Grim?
