The Fury of the Fatherless

From First Things:
Like Edmund in King Lear, who despised his half-brother Edgar, these disinherited young are beyond furious. Like Edmund, too, they resent and envy their fellows born to an ordered paternity, those with secure attachments to family and faith and country.
That last point is critical. Their resentment is why the triply dispossessed tear down statues not only of Confederates, but of Founding Fathers and town fathers and city fathers and anything else that looks like a father, period. It is why we see generational vituperation toward the Baby Boomers, like the diss of “OK, Boomer” and the epithet “Karen.” It is why bands of what might be called “chosen protest families” disrupt actual family meals. It is why BLM disrupts bedroom communities late at night, where real, non-chosen families are otherwise at peace.


  1. Very interesting thoughts.

    Yet many 'progressives' seem very eager to find a parent figure (father figure? mother figure? both?) in government.

    I've wondered if these individuals have had bad/no relationships with their parents...or excessively close/dependent relationships with them.

  2. I don't know who would dare do that research, but it is intriguing.

    It is a war on happy families, born of spite and envy.

  3. This is one thing I’ve always believed.

  4. Link to the First Things article for those interested:


  5. Thanks, Douglas2--I left the link out!
