Some of these numbers seem a little fishy

 Powerline has a good statistical analysis up.

And again, red flags are not proof of fraud, but they're a sure sign that some serious investigation is in order.  Listen to the experts on this.

1 comment:

  1. I think Hayward's in fantasy land there, except maybe in the short term (2-6 years). A first past the post system with separate elections for the executive and legislative branches pretty much guarantees two fairly equal major parties. The appearance of Democrat dominance between roughly 1930 and 1990 was situational and not likely to be repeated by either party.

    I do think we will see the completion of the realignment begun about 40 years ago to something similar to the UK. The Democrats will become a (more) openly socialist party of the globalist elite who wish to rule (and can navigate around race-based socialism) and their welfare-dependent clients. The GOP will solidify as a cross-racial party of the working and middle classes, religious adherents, and Jacksonian nationalists.
