Some Anomalies

I'm a fair hand at calculating odds in common gambling games, but some of you are more skilled at mathematics than myself. Have a look at this and see what you think of it. 


  1. ymarsakar9:37 PM

    What they are seeing is illegal vote manipulations such as scanning a set of ballots multiple times to create the desired electronic signatures to back up the other software shenanigans.

    The patterning would be the result of people doing certain physical instructions over and over again.

    This data is in the Dominion user manual.

    All real world actions and repetitions tend to have a mathematical equation or variation.

  2. We knew where the possible problem spots were, yes.
    Conrad Black has written an article "44 States Got it Right," which reminds me, as my son points out, that we really don't want the federal gov't reforming our voting, under any administration.
    There is great overlap between the states outside those 44 and the ones that passed new, improved, interesting laws about what votes were legal. And quelle surprise, those are the ones being contested now. So we know that there is likely something wrong with those totals, and the cities of Atlanta, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Detroit figure prominently AGAIN. So I don't think Trump supporters are wrong to conclude "this might not be the right total." Especially as Hillary Clinton and others have spent the last four years complaining about 2016, and you can still get older Democrats to tell you with great assurance that Bush stole the 2000 election. But their hypocrisy is not proof of our reasonableness. It is always possible that everyone is wrong.

    Here is the problem, and I think it is enormous. "This might not" does not come close to approaching "This is." Conservatives are inviting disaster in future elections if they go down the road of "This looks bad...this must be...any reasonable person...we know those bastards are willing to..." Don't invite the vampire over the threshold that way. Trump was not prepared with legal teams in every possibly contested state. That doesn't mean he didn't get more votes in those states and it doesn't mean the Democrats didn't cheat, but it does mean he was sloppy again, winging it, trying to get by on bluster. He pissed it away. He has always had great virtues and great flaws. The former have made up for the latter, but it doesn't mean they aren't real.

    It is a terrible thing to move the results of an election, but we are talking about an election that would have been close anyway. I do not for a moment believe the claims that Trump would have won in a landslide. This is not a Latin American election from the 80s where the candidate who won 70% of the vote was defeated by massive fraud. Trump probably lost some votes to fraud, and he might have won more states and even more remotely might have won the whole election. But those things have to be proved convincingly, not just believed by a lot of suspicious people.

    And there just isn't anything like that out there. I am sure he deserved more votes (or Biden deserved fewer), but I have no confidence they were enough to change anything. I "believe" we were cheated, but I don't "believe" it with the 99% confidence I would need to take to the streets. 75-25 isn't enough.

  3. But AVI, your 99% standard of confidence for voter fraud is not the standard that has been set by court precedent in the recent past, 2018 to be specific, in North Carolina. The mere presentation of statistical anomalies, much less convincing than what is presented here, was sufficient to damage voter's faith in the election and led to a re-vote. The Republicans had been accused of ballot harvesting, the anomalies showed it, but they won the re-vote anyway.

    Re-votes are simple. And it's obvious where they would be called for, fairly limited in extent, a few districts in a few states that are showing the signs. Are you saying, you would reject established court precedents and accept the vote results anyway, rather than a limited re-vote? I wouldn't. Because I am 99% confident what the re-votes would show very clearly, and would show the country too. That would be a very healthy thing for our faith in elections and some long overdue comeuppance for the Democrat shenanigans that have been going on unchecked for far too long. It is poison to our society, and this is the very specific antidote. Trust the science! It's telling you something.

  4. I "believe" we were cheated, but I don't "believe" it with the 99% confidence I would need to take to the streets. 75-25 isn't enough.

    Nobody is asking you to take to the streets; I don’t know what good that does anyway. Trump’s people made a case to the PA legislature today. I hear it was persuasive to those who heard it; I haven’t seen any media explanation of the arguments presented, whatever they were. Our press has gone over the rail, like the FBI.

    But what you’re gonna be asked to do, if anything, is support an unusual event. It might be the legislature appointing electors. It might be a SCOTUS ruling. It won’t require you to get in the street.

  5. “The mere presentation of statistical anomalies, much less convincing than what is presented here, was sufficient to damage voter's faith in the election and led to a re-vote.“

    I’ve monitored elections in two countries, Egypt and Iraq. This election has all the markers I was taught or learned to look for. It was corrupt; there’s no doubt about it. Whether it’s proven or not, whether we can get the press to admit it is proven — or even just to report the charges and evidence — it was.

  6. ymarsakar5:50 AM

    The link there has an article to a Vegas Root guy's article. It explains things adequately, you don't need any super foxy statistic analysis. Just gambling odds itself.

  7. ymarsakar6:00 AM

    Bill Whittle is a sort of middle ground. Not as simplistic as the gambling odd "gut instinct" but not as fuzzy as the fuzzy logic math.

    This is not a Latin American election from the 80s where the candidate who won 70% of the vote was defeated by massive fraud.

    Heh, I still detect some psychological resistance to difficult information.

    When the USA elections are run by Dominion, dominating Maduru and Chavez's Venezuela coup, torture, and Latin American elections... it's getting more and more difficult for Americans to look down their noses at Latin America or other 2nd or 3rd world nation elections... like purple finger Iraq.

    Of course, all my data points to the Trump red wave landslide, even those predicting results pre Nov 3.

    This is not coming from a Trump fan, for those that don't know my record here and online on Trump. I was telling people in 2016 that this was no "victory", that nothing much would change, that one man, Hero King or God Emperor people see him as, was enough to clean the swamp. That was perhaps a bit pessimistic given I didn't know 90% of what I know now, such as Q and the gods, but it was more or less accurate given I did know the TRUE POWER of the Deep State and the Leftist alliance. I knew they were "letting" Americans think they were winning. It was just because the DS had not been ordered to "deploy all assets".

    I wrote time and time again, warned people online time and time again, but not much got through the Veil of Confusion and Maya. Now people know, for good or bad. They know how much power Soros, Leftists, and Deep State really had. How much they "could" have deployed over the decades, if they were given orders to.

    I’ve monitored elections in two countries, Egypt and Iraq. This election has all the markers I was taught or learned to look for. It was corrupt

    I see Grim knows what he is talking about.

    We fought them in Iraq so we wouldn't have to fight them here... if only people had realized this wasn't so much about terrorism as about a consPIRACY of darklings and US traitors. This is God's gift to humanity, 20/20 vision. It looks ugly right? Ungood? Well, that's the unvarnished truth. It is not pretty, given human actions.

  8. ymarsakar6:11 AM

    One of the things I know bothers people about the conspiracy land, conspiRACISTs is something I know well. They are just "totally out there" mentally and emotionally, right? They can't "handle the truth", so they have to make up psychological fictions or fantasies to make themselves feel super important. Oh they are so important, a world wide consPIRACY is needed to suppress them, oh no, that makes you super important doesn't it.

    This is how the status quo thinks of it, and so they see no moral or social or legal benefit from joining or coddling conspiracy landers like Alex Jones or Flat Earth theorists or moon landing anti religionists.

    But there is one potential benefit to having a consPIRACY mind and suspicious analysis behavior... you can just look at Ymarsakar. Instead of losing their heads, they become calmer or even more rational/logical. There's no panic, there's no "omg, what is going on" reaction going on. We know, or at least had advance warning.

    2020 does not shock me. It does not surprise me. It is not particularly horribad either. This allows mental stamina, to do the logic processing required to counter enemy tactics and strategy. If people are shellshocked by all this revelation and god class disclosure, how can they do anything useful? They are literally shell shocked, as in PTSD or traumatized, in the day safter Nov 3. Many reported waking up at 3 am or 2 am, and not being able to go back to sleep, worrying about this or that. That's called stress and trauma. That's not having a bad day at work. I noticed this when I kept telling people to fight, and nobody was commenting at my usual blog haunts. They were just AWOL, even as the battle was ongoing with Trump and Flynn. It took like November 7 or 9th for them to recover, partially, and that was only because they started listening to conservative talking leaders and that rallied them.

    It is true that some subset of the conspiracy landers, and most of the people in asylums or controlled by court ordered mental health "treatments" have difficulties dealing with certain issues. But in 2020, who does not have "difficulties" dealing with totalitarian bullsh? Ok, so fine, these conspiRACISTS don't have a grasp of reality. But the Left thinks the other half of America doesn't have a grasp of reality. Same trick, different statistical pool. It is easy to do this to a minority of conspiracy landers and average IQ Alex Jones. Too much is too far.

    So one benefit of conspiracy training is that you become like Ymarsakar. You are tougher, logic is easier to use, in these conditions of treason and Trump battling the Deep State. It is useful. Somehow a weakness of not dealing with the world's difficult information, transformed into being the only one able to deal with it.

    It's a kind of Go black/white flip.

  9. ymarsakar6:17 AM

    I like Rocky's little talk to his kid. It's not HOW HARD YOU HIT, it's how much you can GET HIT and still get up.


    Toughness, is not how much DPS you do each second, it's what you do when the Left wins and the DARKNESS is here.

    it is easy to talk big when things are safe. It's why people easily believe the fake news and think conspiracy theories are wacko clowns. Many are, yes.

    But the ones that can tank the hit and keep on going? Oh those are a different class.

    Mentally "ill" people take a few hits from the State, and they end up locked up inwith a straight jacket, in a totalitarian camp that they have to obey or else.

    When this method is applied to American businesses, and they begin to Resist and tell inspectors from the state to get off their private property, and then tear up the 15,000 USD Fine they get for health issues... they tear it up. Now that's "mentally ill" but in a somewhat different sense.

    It depends on the context and whether the majority of consensus humans think it is wacko or not.

    People admire the under dog. They like seeing some guy win, after literally losing for most of the match. Trump is kind of like that as well.

  10. ymarsakar6:31 AM

    As proof, here is my twitter feed for nov 4th.

    The demoncrats messed up. Too many vote frauds, esp in georgia. They cannot cover this up now.

    This is not a time traveling trick or conspiracy. This is simply logic, the ability to process information. Clear, no doubt, confident. It's easy to have that in a time of peace, as Grim has often noted, but what about 2020?

  11. This is an "Enron" like problem. People have experience with small scale projects like counting items in inventory. We tend to assume our experience "scales up". We resist the notion that systems designed to measure inches can measure miles to the same precision -- simply by "adding things up".

    Like with inventory, the system need to be designed in modules. So many "warehouses" identified before count starts. The shelves and bins are defined and counted beforehand. If "units" are handled in "casepack" -- various packages 6 per, 12 per etc -- those need to be defined, as always, BEFORE the official count of accountable units.

    "Same day registration" / "motor voter registration" and like innovations are all processes to subvert the mechanisms that allow counting to proceed accurately at large scale. Boxes of ballots are lost or suddenly appear. Batches are fed thru scanners multiple times, or not at all. Data links between scanners and central registers break and are restored -- and data is lost or duplicated. And we don't have a good handle on what went wrong with the count of VOTES because we didn't start with counts of machines and polling places and voters and simple blank ballots, (printed, issued, and submitted to be later "counted as votes")

  12. Wait a second - Ymar, you've been saying since just after election that the big stuff is just around the corner. You said that major revelations were coming the week of Nov 5 - 12th. What happened? I was watching, waiting. But you's starting to sound like you're talking through your hat. Deep Thoughts? Riddles within riddles? You know, some are saying all this Q stuff is just disinformation - so it's a bit of a shame to see that being proven, by increments. I'll keep watching though, for other reasons. Happy ThanksQiving.

  13. Do we know who the author or authors of the report are? It's strange to me that they are not listed.

    It does fall in line with this video analysis done by some mathematicians.

    Also, Gregory Strenstrom (former naval officer) seems pretty credible and gives testimony to the appearance of many shenanigans in this twitter thread.

  14. Also this Memorandum Opinion from Judge McCullough in PA sounds promising as well- ""Petitioners appear to have established a likelihood to succeed on the merits because Petitioners have asserted the Constitution does not provide a mechanism for the legislature to allow for expansion of absentee voting without a constitutional amendment. Petitioners appear to have a viable claim that the mail-in ballot procedures set forth in Act 77 contravene Pa. Const. Article VII Section 14 as the plain language of that constitutional provision is at odds with the mail-in provisions of Act 77. Since this presents an issue of law
    which has already been thoroughly briefed by the parties, this Court can state that Petitioners have a likelihood of success on the merits of its Pennsylvania Constitutional claim."

  15. ymarsakar1:38 PM

    That was the week i was writing. The actual specific predictions i made way before november, which is that people wont know who the president is until nov 12th to 20th.

    These are the thibgs you cannot know aggie, without asking the source or messenger. I am not double posting the same thing at the same time across all the blogs and twitter.

    As a result of sidney, trump voters now know who was elected as president future tense. And it aint blue.

  16. ymarsakar1:46 PM

    Election steal by foreign nations, dominion, is not a big deal aggie?

    Judging by usa patriot actions, it is big.

  17. ymarsakar1:51 PM

    "You know, some are saying all this Q stuff is just disinformation - so it's a bit of a shame to see that being proven, by increments."

    If q was disinfo, then those against it are real news? No, real psychological warfare operations can be true and false. And disinfo can be countered by more disinfo.

    Fake news.

    If q came out and told people all their elections were fake, would a military psy war op to bolster a usa uprising, do that?

    This subject requires discernment and knowledge of military operations.
