PoMo Vampires

The ZOOM-recorded meltdown in which a Wayne County Ruling Party canvassing board operative soft-doxxed the children of two unruly board members ("nice kids, wouldn't want to see anything happen to them") calls to mind this excerpt from Richard Bledsoe's Remodern America:
Postmodernists compensate for the lack of a genuine inner life by showing off what they think is expected of them. Postmodernists pretend to feel whatever their situational ethics informs them is the politically correct way to feel. Their stance is perpetual posturing.
In this delusional state, they misname their ravenous appetite for domination as “pragmatism.” Their version of pragmatism basically means they get their way, always. Yet their position is essentially one of weakness. Having no substance of their own, they are reduced to living vampire-like, trying to suck resources and obedience out of society, while offering nothing useful in return.
It’s hard to get normal people to cooperate with this hunger, since Postmodernists are fundamentally bottomless maws in desperate need of validation. There is no end to their demands. But the Postmodernists have a strategy for petty tyranny so simple it’s known to two year olds; they whip their unregulated emotions into what they hope is an intimidating frenzy.
Imagine a moral and intellectual bankruptcy so profound you can achieve your political goals only by branding your enemies' children as racist for the purpose of calling down mob violence on them.


  1. I read this morning that they’re allowing the two to have changed their votes to “yes,” but not to change back to “no.” Even a moment’s successful intimidation suffices to close the iron collar about one’s neck forever.

  2. ymarsakar1:41 PM

    Grim, tex, this is why it was important to learn lethal h2h
    Not all problems can be solved with bullets or ballots. Sometimes people need a physical destruction of their joints and pain to teach them a lesson, assuming they are alive.

    This is the kind of stuff i knew was coming but could n9t write

  3. They didn't vote the first time, as I understand it; they merely refused to certify.

    I've also read--once; the story was never repeated, so I can't confirm--that their signatures on the "Yes" certifications were stamped signatures rather than signed as the law requires, which if true might give them an out. Another possibility is their claim to have been intimidated into certifying. Contracts signed under duress are invalid, a long-standing jurisprudential concept. Signed certs should be no different.

    On the larger matter, the two showed considerable cowardice in surrendering to the threats. Hard is it would have been, they and their families would have been far better off refusing to cave in the first place. As it is, they've only increased the danger to themselves and to their families by demonstrating that they can be cowed by threats. That will only increase the threats; they'll never be safe.

    In the end, bullies only have the power their intended victims choose to let them have. Again, that's often a hard choice to make, but hard means possible.

    Eric Hines

  4. ymarsakar5:49 PM


    I could easily stoke up war fervor these days. But i dont do it
    In fact i often tell traumatized conservatives that want to pull the trigger on leftists, to stand down.

    Why? Because those are my god s directives. Orders are orders.
