On Godot

Or, as it is alternatively spelled, “FBI.”

...The evidence shows that the FBI is one of many institutions that no longer belong to the American public. Rather, its job is to protect and advance the privileges and interests of an increasingly powerful class of elites who draw their wealth and prestige from their relationships with corrupt foreign entities. And that’s why it appears the FBI didn’t investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop, but buried it.
He provides many more examples. The evidence is clear: they do not work for us.


  1. ymarsakar9:42 PM

    The FBI seems historically to have been created from a private strike busting private army, the Pinkertons.

    This name is still valid today, as it is the organization one of the guards that ended up shooting and killing a patriot, belonged to.

    It is a rather strange link for the FBI's foundation to be private goons of corporations that wanted to break strikes. They made the trains run on time, yes, but once Americans realized what they were really doing... Mark Felt, the guy that ousted Nixon by using 2 journalists as useful idiots, is another case in point. COINTELPRO was his work.

  2. ymarsakar9:43 PM

    The reason why Ayers and Bernadine had double jeopardy immunity and as he said, guilty as sin and free as a bird, is because of Mark Felt.

    Mark Felt was pardoned by Reagan for crimes way worse than whatever Nixon's plumbers were doing.
