It's a Mystery

Gun control support drops sharply to 4 year low, Gallup finds. "Whyever would that be?" asks Hot Air.


  1. Or, maybe gun control is expanding sharply.

    After all, gun control is an indexed trigger finger, valid target ID, and a tight group.

    And expanded castle laws, to include defense of one's own business property as well as personal property, along with coordinated defense of others' business and personal property.

    Eric Hines

  2. It is a function of when the rights are in danger. Most gun owners are not natural organisers, protestors, or rebels. The want to own guns with a minimum of interference and go about their business, regarding that ownership as a normal part of life. They hunt, target shoot, collect and admire, or discuss firearms and the best home and personal protection strategies.

    Gun restriction increases in the spaces between their attention, in modest increments, but supplemented by the dramatic gun-connected events when controllers hope to manipulate public opinion with emotional appeals.

    When the danger appears to be thieves or intruders, particular approaches and firearms are in the forefront. When the danger shifts to the possible behavior of rioters, different people get activated and consider purchases - especially first-time purchases - and even experienced owners rethink their safety strategies in light of changing circumstances. Lastly, knowledge and even rumors of what firearms are going to be targeted for additional regulation become part of the equation as well. In those times, discussion of restrictions are viewed with even more suspicion than usual.

    BTW, interesting note up here. A lot of the hunters I know are undergoing serious change in the businesses they own or work for and have been working "creatively." They bought licenses but have not been able to hunt a single day.

  3. Second Amendment rights increase "unexpectedly."

    A recent meme poses the arithmetic question, If I have 8 guns and 7 are destroyed, how many guns do I have? Answer: 47, some absentee gun registrations were just delivered.

  4. As Morrissey indirectly observes, 'some ideas are so stupid that only an intellectual could believe them.' Duke U apparatchik sees 'buying guns' as a reason for less approval of gun control.

