Game theory and the "Chump Effect"

Society ignores the Chump Effect at its peril.


  1. The author puts the best cause last: what about all these people who worked hard, built a business, and then saw it destroyed in the unlawful riots that were tolerated? Nobody makes them whole, while the rioters have the charges dropped.

  2. Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Joe Biden made the chump factor explicit in one of his later drive-by saccharine "speeches" when he called those who were disagreeing with him from the peanut gallery "chumps."

    He expanded on that at his next drive-by, calling those disagreeing (as opposed to disagreeable) ones "ugly."

    This is the level of contempt for us ordinary Americans that the Democratic Party and its current evolution has had since Croly made that contempt explicit alongside Woodrow Wilson.

    The destruction of minority-owned, -employing, -lived above businesses by those rioters and looters is only a physical manifestation of that contempt. That destruction will only grow under a Progressive-Democrat reign.

    Eric Hines

  3. There are also people who didn't get student loans because they didn't go to college...but they *did* take out loans to start businesses. Haven't heard any Democrats talk about paying off those loans.

  4. Good heavens, no. They were motivated by profit, an ambition we must never support.
