"Dude, where's my landslide?"

Steve Hayward at Powerline:
With the GOP keeping the Senate and improving in the House, we have four years of gridlock ahead, and as I always point out, gridlock is the next best thing to constitutional government. Kiss goodbye court packing, ending the filibuster, the Green New Deal, big income tax hikes, a massive blue state bail out (though I suspect McConnell will give them something), and statehood for DC and Puerto Rico. Then look ahead to the midterms in 2022, when the GOP can realistically hope to retake the House.


  1. ymarsakar11:19 AM

    Is steve calling the election for big guy jo?

    Because it looks like republican stockholme and battered wife syn again.

  2. Gringo1:29 PM

    The worry is on the foreign policy front. Biden will make nice with Iran and the PRC, reversing Trump's commendable policy towards 2 of our enemies- though some could call China more of a competitor.

  3. I can't wait until he moves the U.S. embassy back out of Jerusalem and starts shipping planeloads of cash to Iran again. And shuts down some more pipelines to get our foreign energy purchases back up where they belong.

  4. If I had any faith the in the establishment GOP with Trump gone to actually do those things, I'd feel a lot more comfortable about a potential Trump loss- but I don't.
