Different aims, same tools

From "The Woke Supremacy" by Evan Sayet:
The Russian Socialists chose gulags and work camps, permanent confinement to mental institutions, and exile to frozen tundra. The German socialists opted for the more efficient and effective gas chambers and ovens, while the Chinese socialists, seeking to save on infrastructure and material costs, went with mass starvation and other low-tech means.
While these kinds of atrocities are typically blamed on the ideologies of these various Socialist entities--giving comfort to some that "this time," with today's Socialists embracing a different ideology, things will somehow be different--the fact is that gulags, death camps, and killing fields are not ideologically driven. Who is sent to them is.


  1. "Gandhi knew that peaceful persuasion could work because, unlike Socialism, Nationalism doesn't require force to get others to do what they don't believe. He understood that all he had to do was convince the Nationalists to better practice the Nationalism they already embraced."

  2. A simple but stunning insight
