Cracking the code

It's all a question of making the words mean what you want them to mean:
When liberal journalists say something is racist or white supremacist, they don’t use the words the way normal people use them. We see now that they detach concepts of whiteness, blackness, etc., from skin color, family, or ancestry and attach it instead to ideology and party.
You’re white if you’re a Hispanic who votes Republican. You’re white supremacist if you’re a black voter who votes Republican. This shows us that racist and white supremacist, coming from these quarters, might just mean Republican or conservative.

1 comment:

  1. There is even a word for it. It is called using words "instrumentally." It is similar to the various types of violence, where some use it in anger, some according personal codes, but others use it with cold calculation being the only criterion. Instrumentally. They use violence without anger, merely to get what they want. I have focused on denotation versus connotation in the past, but this term is more accurate. The meaning is irrelevant, the effect is everything.
