
This Dennis Prager summary of what Democrats hate about Trump personally and what Republicans hate about the left as an ideology is eerily precise in summing up what I heard from my troubled Democratic niece several days ago--almost to the point to using the same words.  He nailed quite a few of my responses, too. 


  1. One point missed-The left would hate anyone who is not one of them, as president. It is not Trump. They were perfectly friendly with Trump when he was just a businessman with no political power. People may think it is Trump, but what sets Trump aside from , say, Bush, is that he actually opposes the left. And that drives them into paroxysms of rage.

  2. I think what Prager is describing is what middle-of-the-road Ds hate about Trump. My niece would be very puzzled by an assumption that she's a leftist, as she doesn't think of herself that way at all, no matter how slippery a slope someone like me may suspect she's on.

    But it's true that Trump's harshness toward the left turns her off. It turns her off about me, too. I don't think she has any comprehension of what I think the left is, or what's wrong with it. The ideas I take for granted about markets and equality of opportunity simply don't intrude into her worldview in any way.

  3. raven3:30 PM

    Of course- like most modern Americans, she likely does not know what the left IS, as communism has been given a wash by our schools and our media for the last 40 years. Half the country is wearing a virtual Che t-shirt, in their head.

    There is no way to overstate the evil of leftism. None.
    So I have no gripe about Trumps language at all.

    The new wave of leftists in this country, given power, will enact exactly what has been done repeated before, all in the name of justice and fairness and equality- kill millions who do not agree with them. From the French Revolution to the present day, leftism is a savage bloodscape of evil. They revel in it. And Trumps words are too harsh, opposing this?

    Show her "Drawings from the Gulag". A good portrait of the left in action. Not before lunch , though.

  4. ymarsakar3:37 PM

    I wont allow the left to win.

    What can i do? More than most republicans put together.

  5. A big part of what many Dems dislike about Trump is his cognitive style. He has an intuitive, creative, and pattern-recognizing sort of mind, which allows him to see things that others don't (or at least see them earlier) and to identify strategic opportunities which they would not identify. Whereas ost of the politicians, academics, journalists, etc, have strictly-deductive and not very creative minds, which stay within the boxes they have been taught to stay within.

    Unfortunately, Trump is not very good at translating his thinking into terms that resonate with those of other cognitive styles. When accused of 'not having a plan' for Covid-19, for example, he could & should have laid out his past and planned actions in 1-2-3 bullet item style.

    It's actually kind of surprising that he didn't have to develop this skill in communicating with bankers and investors...or maybe his approach is different in small meeting than in public communication.

  6. He's right of course, but I have no idea how to do anything about it. My siblings are sucked into all this, largely because of their distaste for Trump (certainly not only that though), and even my own wife cannot get past her distaste for Trump, even though she's completely onboard with Rubio and his stance against the socialist track we're being pushed to.

    It's frustrating. But I also don't kid myself that someone less distasteful, but less able to resist the left, would be better for us.

  7. "Half the country is wearing a virtual Che t-shirt, in their head."

    Possibly the best political one-liner of the decade.
