A Small Matter of Formalities

What's the difference anyway? It's all rhetoric, these days, a few old-fashioned folks aside. 


  1. A number of twitterers have changed their handles to include [this or that]-elect, to the point it's almost becoming a meme.

    Eric Hines

  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    The difference is that we have heard from the "boyfriend" to the tune of 77,000,000 million votes. And, we have always referred to the "president elect" before the official election certification.

    It is Trump and his behavior which are the anomalies.

    The analogy is false and in bad faith.

  3. It’s true that a more on-point joke would have been about the massive vote fraud.

  4. Anonymous10:37 AM

    The massive voter fraud which the Trump administration still can't seem to provide actual evidence for in court?

    It's all smoke and mirrors...no actual evidence yet. We can wait and let Trump play out his grievances, but at some point people will have to recognize that there is no "massive" voter fraud.

  5. We shall see. I’m a patient man.

  6. Also, house rules don’t allow anonymous comments. Pick a name and sign them.

  7. Anonymous is switching back and forth between two topics. You will continue to find yourself playing whack-a-mole. It comes from a lack of clarity of thought. The overriding idea is "well Trump is wrong about everything, and there's no need to discuss it." Mentioning contrary information from previous elections merely provokes another topic.

    Gore did not concede until mid-December. Hillary Clinton has continued to insist she "really" won. Start there.

  8. Anonymous is switching back and forth between two topics.

    Maybe why he's too embarrassed to identify himself.

    Eric Hines

  9. Anonymous7:39 PM

    How have I switched between 2 topics?

    I addressed the inaccurate analogy, and then Grim mentioned voter fraud, which I addressed.

    That's how conversation works, no? Someone says something and the other person responds to it. That's not switching topics.
    The election between Bush and Gore hinged on less than 600 votes in one state that would decide the entire election. A small of amount of votes that a recount could possibly change. That is not what is happening here.

    As far as I know Hillary Clinton has never said that she really "won" the election. I am happy to be proved wrong on that count, if you pointed me in the right direction. She did think there were undue influences in the elections such as Comey and disinformation, but she never declared herself the winner. She conceded and she didn't hype up legal challenges and try to dupe her followers into contributing money to her finished "campaign and legal defense fund". Ironically, even when Trump won in 2016, he still claimed his election had been rigged and that he really won that popular election if you got rid of all the millions of illegal votes by illegal immigrants and those committing voter fraud. Of course none of that actually happened.

    Maybe instead of "mind reading" about my clarity of thought, you could acknowledge the actual details of the cases you mention and how they are not exact equals to what is happening right now. You could also avoid making presuppositions about me...but that might require too much "clarity of thought" on your part.

    You made your comments personal, I did not.


  10. The number of times a boyfriend says "I'm going to marry you" is no indication of when he's going to actually propose, if ever.

    I addressed the inaccurate analogy, and then Grim mentioned voter fraud, which I addressed.

    You threw out a factoid, the number of unverified popular votes for Biden, which has no bearing at all on the timing of the various processes by which the popular vote in each state will be certified and become the result in the Electoral College in January. At that point Biden may become 'President-elect' for a few days until Inauguration, a title that is still purely a creation of popular imagination despite Democrat efforts to convince everyone that the election results in an immediate transfer of power when their candidate wins.

  11. Just to remind everyone of the rest of the house rules, given that we have a new guest and tempers are high:


    Those rules have been in force for sixteen years. The anti-anonymity requirement was a later addition.
