A Few Red Flags

 An analysis by a former auditor. 


  1. Related to my own last post. These things are worth looking at, and people are justified in pressing the issue. If they come up mostly empty, I'm relieved. He is correct that sometimes bad-looking things have perfectly good explanations, but a concentration of red flags should suggests a need for greater scrutiny.

  2. Our nation has fallen, and I suspect our Constitution has been made obsolete by political operatives. The key to winning elections is to present a fait accompli by force that is difficult to unwind sufficiently to discover the proof required to reverse it.

    It there are any Constitutional impulses remaining in the Supreme Court they would order a re-vote in the battleground states. But I don't know whether they have either the authority or the will.

    Don't forget, there are many Republicans around that despise Trump and want him gone. With the help of their colleagues, with the constant thematic rants from the media to pave the way (poll-prodding, erratic and biased election coverage and now conciliatory language), and the systematic de-platforming of dissent from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. it's pretty much a done deal I think, unless Trump can produce evidence..

  3. "Red flags you can see from space," indeed.

    I'm really unhappy about the eyewitness/videos reports that keep being scrubbed from the internet.

    Remember during the Tea Party rallies when the traditional newspapers routinely reported that a few dozen or a few hundred people showed up? We were just getting used to alternative media then, and seeing photos of tens of thousands of people. What if we go back to not having access to the real photos?

  4. ymarsakar10:31 AM

    Dont worry, i got this. Nov 12 to 20th, truth outs, is on track.

  5. ymarsakar10:34 AM

    Oh that is correia. You know it is getting close to shot calling when lds mormons use that language wording. Similar to amish pro trump.

  6. Ok, Ymar. Show us what you’ve got.

  7. ymarsakar1:58 PM

    An update on the heavy weapons terrorism. Given what i know now, they were diverted from that because they thought they could hack steal the election. That could change around 12 to 20th.

    As for armed rebellion, so long as trump is in power 2021, 1 yr, it wont be necessary.

    Just 1 year. I recommend people keep the fighting spirit up but no despair needed.

    These events are good, even optimal for 2020.

    Demoncrats wont be able to maintain deception for long, no matter what timeline.
