Or maybe it's the quote of the week. Or the month. Or the year.

It seems that 44 San Francisco schools are looking to change their evil names in order to lose their association with potential connections to slavery, genocide, and colonization. The name changes would include changing away from Washington and Lincoln.

About which one concerned parent commented,

We're not actually helping disadvantaged children by changing the name of the school they can't attend.

Eric Hines


  1. Yeah, funny how white people signalling works that way, isn't it?

  2. "lose their association with potential connections to slavery, genocide, and colonization. The name changes would include changing away from Washington and Lincoln."

    "The name changes would include changing away from Washington and Lincoln."


    LINCOLN... let that sink in. These people are SO INSANE that the President who literally ended slavery must be cancelled. I mean... they're completely beyond parody at this point.

  3. Sorry for being unclear... apparently ending slavery is still a connection TO slavery...

    I'm beyond words.

  4. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Lincoln wasn't progressive. And according to modern "experts," the slaves freed themselves and the Union Army just happened to show up and . . . do something.

    Bruce Catton is spinning in his grave so fast that they could use him to power the entire East Coast and half of California.

