When people take your mea culpa seriously

Princeton president Christopher Eisgruber announced recently that Princeton was a hotbed of racism, perhaps forgetting that that would actually be illegal. In response, the U.S. Department of Education has opened a formal Title VI inquiry.
Eisgruber has put Princeton in a box. It either must formally admit to engaging in unlawful discrimination, which might well result in serious financial penalties, or it must admit, in effect, that Eisgruber was blowing smoke when he copped to systemic racism at Princeton — an admission that surely would enrage the militant students and alumni Eisgruber has been working so hard to appease.


  1. So many thoughts. This is probably my favorite news story from the last four years.

    Turns out words have specific meaning in the real world, unlike woke proggie land.

    I've never seen a guy promise to stop beating his wife before.

    Is there a better example of racism being nothing more than a sin in the Church of The Progressive? It seems like he thought he was just giving a public confession to not believing some esoteric point of theology, not an actual event that would have real impact on people's lives.

    I can't see any Republican administration but Trump's doing this in response to these statements. Romney et al would just be bobbing their heads in unison with this chorus, between bouts of self-flagellation.


    I'm sorry... is it too much to point at them while laughing?

  3. See also, this lawyer's post on Ricochet, which also contains a link to the Washington Examiner, which itself contains a link to the full letter:


    Eric Hines

  4. I thought it was brilliant. The idea never occurred to me.

    To put it in the context of sin and religion, it is like CS Lewis's "The Dangers of National Repentance," which I have written about many times of the years. https://assistantvillageidiot.blogspot.com/search?q=repentance It isn't a confession, it is an accusation. I imagine a priest saying "If you have been committing this sin for so long, why have I never heard your voice at confession?"

  5. Strip the Federal funding immediately and inform Eisgruber that, Title IV investigation or not, Princeton must take substantive, documented and auditable action to rid the school of racism, and in order to resume receiving Federal Funding, they will have to conclusively prove it to the Department of Education. They will have to prove the un-falsifiable claim.
