Time Travel

 It seems time travel is possible, after all, and all without that altering the (ex-)future folderol. University of Queensland professor Fabio Costa, one of the co-authors of the study purporting to solve the time travel paradox, discussed the "grandfather paradox" in the form of going back in time to prevent the Wuhan Virus patient zero from getting infected in the first place. Apparently, The Universe would take corrective action, and someone, perhaps even the time traveler (who knew The Universe might have a sense of humor), would get infected, anyway.

But the grandfather paradox has long been solved: that well-known physicist, Homer, and his equally well-known colleague, the genealogist Jethro, long ago demonstrated that it's eminently possible to be one's own grandfather, with or without time travel.

Eric Hines


  1. There's not a lot of meat on the bones of that article, but I would venture a guess that even if you could time travel, you'd at best be an observer, unable to interact with the past, by the logic presented. Perhaps still bound by your timeline? Just spitballing. At least that preserves free will except in the case of time travel (I think).

  2. Taking the author's actual example of a grandfather paradox and adding in the butterfly effect (granted that's a supposition, not a proven result), I can't help reaching the conclusion that, even if I couldn't prevent the original Patient Zero from getting infected--if I merely changed who Patient Zero was--by changing the origin of a sequence of events, I'd change the future, even if I didn't succeed in preventing a pandemic.

    Details matter. Suppose that by changing the original Patient Zero, the new one became someone in the Republic of Korea, or Japan, or northern Korea. What sort of pandemic might result? Suppose that original Patient Zero was switched to me, but my symptoms--or my infectiousness--didn't appear until I returned to my own time. Then what?

    Eric Hines

  3. ymarsakar4:07 PM

    Guy is correct.

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