Sure he's awful, but look at his cool crew!

 How to get the kids excited about Biden:

He came up with what NextGen now calls “the Democratic Avengers,” after the Marvel movie featuring an ensemble of superheroes. The idea is that by voting for Biden, you’re voting not just for him; you’re voting for all of the Democrats—many of them cool and hip!—that Biden will have in his orbit. Biden might borrow policies from Warren, for example, or have Sanders as an adviser. “If he is elected, it won’t just be Joe Biden,” this message reads. “Biden has pledged to build an administration filled with progressive leaders, experts, and activists from inside and outside of politics.”
This idea went over really well, according to Wessel and Baumann. In the focus groups, one white Millennial said “the saving grace of this (potential) presidency would be his crew. If he actually chooses true progressives and activists, I will be surprised but happy to admit I misjudged him.”
I have to admit that in 2016 I was more interested in candidate Trump's Supreme Court picks than in himself.


  1. The Atlantic is pretending that this is a news reporting piece.

  2. They'll probably be enamored of Biden's selection of Robert Francis "Hell, yes, I'll take your guns" as his ironically designated Gun Control Czar.

    Eric Hines

  3. There's a big difference between evaluating a candidate and their promises and trying to shrewdly assess the kinds of choices they will make, when compared to a candidate who is, to all appearances, incapable of complex thinking - meaning that we don't know who will be making decisions, much less what choices they might make. Joe Biden is the face of an anonymous administration that has made no commitments; Joe Biden is the Resistance candidate.

    Just think: Bill Clinton finished serving two Presidential terms just about 20 years ago. He's four years younger than Joe Biden.
