Still Here, Huh?

So it’s been about a month, and I see that you’re still coming by thanks to Tex. It occurred to me that I should drop in to prepare the “Enid & Geraint” post on 9/11. 

Here’s a few shots to reward your loyalty, and give you a sense of what I’ve been doing instead of blogging. 



  1. Harmon Ward7:45 PM

    Excellent! Enjoy your "retirement".

  2. Ha! yes, the dog pic is hilarious!

    Living life as it's meant to be lived. Excellent.

  3. I like the chess pieces!

  4. That pup has always had a certain . . . expresssion. I'll bet intruders take him seriously.

    The rest of the photos look like heaven.

  5. Nah--dog just doesn't like his picture being taken.

    Nice goggie.

    Eric Hines

  6. raven3:27 PM

    It was a good trade for a computer screen!!

  7. Good to see you! Glad you're enjoying life. That last pic is lovely.

  8. Anonymous10:13 AM

    “As long as we are thinking of natural values we must say that the sun looks down on nothing half so good as a household laughing together over a meal, or two friends talking over a pint of beer, or a man alone reading a book that interests him; and that all economies, politics, laws, armies, and institutions, save insofar as they prolong and multiply such scenes, are a mere ploughing the sand and sowing the ocean, a meaningless vanity and vexation of the spirit. Collective activities are, of course, necessary, but this is the end to which they are necessary.”

    — C.S. Lewis, “Membership” in The Weight of Glory

