The face of the movement

Matt Taibbi warns: "If no one in the party says anything, Trump will argue, with some justice, this is the true face of his opposition."

This new Trump campaign ad makes the point visually in about 30 seconds.


  1. Biden's Liberal Mob: BLM. I'd be surprised if I turned out to be the first to notice...

    I actually agree with many of the police reform proposals made by the original political action committee doing business under those three initials. Cities should NOT fund themselves in any significant way by the fines imposed by police and courts. Asset forfeiture during drug investigations has been abused even if it was constitutional -- which I doubt. Armored military vehicles have very limited use and if need arises for such gear, a community should have to ask a central state agency to lend it -- explaining why it's needed. No-knock warrant service accomplished by battering rams and armored vehicles is likewise too common. Enforcing minor "broken windows" law is distinct from using petty violations as a pretext for stops with intent to investigate.

    But right now, today, having been forced against my will to take sides with either the status quo and all its many documented abuses; or else the rioters and looters who claim to dream of impossible, ideal, unworkable, nebulous, "change" -- I'm anti-riot.

  2. Gringo7:10 PM

    Hard to think of nice guys Bush, Romney or McCain doing this ad. This ad is mean, but the Democrats deserve it. Trump is not leading opinion, but following it.

    Pretty much agree w J Melcher on the police reforms.

    BLM is using police as a wedge issue to stuff Marxism down our throats. Recall that BLM co-founder Opal Tometi is a big Maduro fan. Venezuelan police kill 5,000 a year. That would be the equivalent of US police killing 50,000 a year. Yet a BLM cofounder, an organization which is against police killing (black) civilians, is a fan of a regime where police kill civilians at a rate 50 times that of the US. That informs me BLM is up to no good.

  3. It's very disturbing to me, seeing the messaging at work with the journalist's and politician's coverage of the black men who have been made into political fodder for this summer's campaign. There is an unspoken, jarring cognitive dissonance being applied without introspection or comment.

    All of these men are felons, all of them violent in the moment of their police trouble, all of them killed or injured during lawful arrest. All of them with a behavioral history of violence toward black women and other black people. Meanwhile, we're being exhorted to elevate Black Lives into some kind of special category, with the black male perpetrators at the top of this figurative heap. America is supposed to celebrate this.

    Police reforms are needed, but they are simply a vehicle in this argument to enhance the grievance. The grievance would collapse under the barest application of probing and scrutiny, and the riots would collapse under a show of reasonable force. There is no will to take the step. The fix is in.
