It's like a giant vending machine

 A fully automated stop'n'rob store lets you in with a smartphone swipe and checks you out the same way.  No one gets a part-time job operating it, but on the other hand no one gets shot and killed, either.  The whole thing folds up into a nearly impregnable containing-shipping steel box and can be deployed with minimal risk even into an area populated with youths who need to turn their lives around, temporarily engaged in undocumented shopping and reparations programs.


  1. Looks great. We will see what the vulnerabilities exploitable by criminals are over the next few months. They may be manageable. This may be the future.

  2. Anonymous7:20 PM

    For one, I can imagine someone renting/stealing a large flatbed and just carting the whole thing off. Doing to it what they do to ATMs might also happen. Or hacking it to vend without asking for payment.


  3. I see windows. It's vulnerable. They don't give the criminals enough credit.
    Also, it has to get restocked- it'll be vulnerable then too.

  4. Windows that thick are easily too strong to be broken with anything less than explosives.

    As for restock, it may prove sufficiently economic simply to haul away a depleted box and haul in a stocked one. Especially as the merchant learns his market's preferences and the stock is more or less evenly depleted across items.

    Eric Hines

  5. You can fold up the patio and ramp to make it a pretty strong closed box.

  6. You can fold up the patio and ramp to make it a pretty strong closed box.

    Yeah, when the business is done for the day. My window risk was in response to mostly peaceful undocumented entry and mislaid doors and windows.

    When I saw the shape and the patio, I was reminded of a radar shelter we were developing at the Wing in Germany that would have been linked by then-extant fiber optic cable to allow better dispersal in tree lines.

    Eric Hines
