Cuomo sounds comparatively sane

It's a tall order, but Don Lemon brings out the rational side of [correction] Fredo Cuomo:
“We’re going to have to blow up the entire system,” Lemon said.
“I don’t know about that,” Cuomo reacted, who argued that Americans just have to vote.
“You know what we’re going to have to do?… You’re going to have to get rid of the electoral college,” Lemon continued. “Because the minority in this country get to decide who our judges are and who our president is. Is that fair?”
“You need a constitutional amendment to do that,” Cuomo replied.
“And if Joe Biden wins, Democrats can stack the courts and they can do that amendment and get it passed,” Lemon shot back.
* * *
“Look, this [S. Ct. appointment] is a short-term win,” Cuomo said. [I]f they get this judge, it’s a win because if he wants people to vote for him, if he doesn’t deliver a nominee and it doesn’t get acted on by the Republicans, they’ve got trouble.”
Cuomo continued, “I know that people say, ‘Well in races that are close.’ Who’s voting or thinking about voting for a Republican who doesn’t want them to pick a judge right now?”


  1. That exchange was with FredoCuomo, although he might have had coaching from the Guv.

    Lemon was ignorant, or willfully dishonest, on another item, in addition to wanting to blow up the system: And if Joe Biden wins, Democrats can stack the courts and they can do that amendment and get it passed[.]

    Well, no, actually. Assuming Lemon was referring to the Congress in his amendment-passing bit, all that body can do is propose. Assuming a Progressive-Democrat victory is so resounding that they get 2/3 majorities in both the House and the Senate, in which case our Republic will have far more serious troubles. Only We the People can "pass" a Constitutional Amendment.

    Eric Hines

  2. Whoops! Corrected.
