What internet politics looks like to normal people

I'd embed the YouTube video directly, but that way it comes with an intro ad.  This is a link to PowerLine, where you can watch it without that annoyance, and maybe enjoy other PowerLine articles while you're at it.

I sure hope this is how the independents are seeing it.


  1. It'll be interesting to see the Independents' reaction to the ongoing Progressive-Democratic Party convention's two days (so far) of divisive rhetoric.

    Eric Hines

  2. I wonder if any of them watched? Apparently it got beat in the ratings on the second night by "America's Got Talent." Marianne Williamson's review was "It's like binge-watching a Marriott commercial."

  3. The TV ratings are down badly--by some 35% across the broadcast networks, Fox, CNN, and MSNBC compared to the 2016 Party convention, according to some reports I've seen. Streaming numbers are supposed to be solid, but I've seen no numbers, and I'm not familiar enough with streaming viewership to have any context for any numbers I might see, anyway.

    Eric Hines

  4. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I'm supposed to be watching it, but I can't bring myself to. Having to read the party platforms is bad enough. The (D) platform is 80 pages.

