Pushing Back on the Narrative of Modern Systemic Racism

 A former infantryman and current electrical engineer takes on the narrative of modern systemic racism and white privilege.


  1. We have a friend from our youth, maybe the smartest person either of us has ever known, who worked at Sandia. He's a difficult, difficult person, and one day his boss remarked that he didn't like his attitude. Our friend replied, "Well, it's a good thing you didn't hire me for my attitude."

    I just can't hear the word "Sandia" without thinking of that story. There are powerful minds in the workforce there. I don't envy managers who try to tell them all how to think.

  2. I can't see the link.

  3. Ah, there it is. Not showing up on robile version for some reason.

  4. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Based on the people I've met who work at Los Alamos and Sandia, having a manager snarl "independent cuss" is probably one of the highest compliments they can get. Granted, my sample is not randomized or scientific, but that sort of work seems to attract people who are very, very good at what they do, and very Odd. Micromanaging does not end well.

