
Thanks for all the commentary on the post below about closing the Hall.  For now I will follow the advice some of you gave and leave the Hall open for archival use and for my co-bloggers to continue to use as they prefer.  AVI's recommendation based on his own experience is what I'll follow:  for now consider me on at least temporary hiatus, which may become permanent if I don't rediscover a desire to do this. 

I might be around to comment on posts from time to time, but I will not be visiting or posting on a daily, weekly, or any regular basis.  

Some posts from the archive will be deleted if I want to publish them elsewhere, or if in my review of the archives I decide to remove them.  

You can contact me by email if you need me, but I won't necessarily be checking that regularly either.  I need to focus on professional duties when I'm behind a keyboard; and I need to spend less time behind keyboards, too. More in the wind.


  1. Enjoy your "new" career.

    I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up; I know the desire to take new routes.

    Eric Hines

  2. Good wishes to you, Grim.

  3. My statement to my sons repeatedly when I dropped them off at school I also used at my (first) retirement, with my coworkers. Go Forth. Do Well. Be of Good Cheer.

  4. I wish you the best in your endeavors. Thank you for all you have done here at the Hall. Fair winds and following seas. Semper Fi.

  5. ymarsakar8:21 AM

    Grim is going into a cocoon for the transformation change. I'll see you in 2021 then.

  6. ymarsakar8:25 AM

    To co bloggers, if any want to continue Ymar's world series, keep posting them every week or so.

  7. Vaya con Dios, friend.

  8. Keep the shiny side up!

  9. Thanks for all the good work, and best of luck in your new projects!

    I'll certainly be reading for the co-bloggers and the archives.

  10. Wow, I was away last week with the family in the Sierras- and somewhat detached from the internet (good for the soul, as you've obviously noted), so I missed the announcement, and had just caught up with things enough to get back to checking in only to see this!

    Having never been able to sustain a blog of my own, I fully understand the burden and the benefit of not being tied to that responsibility. Grim, you've been a most gracious host all these years, and my gratitude is a feeble payment for all the benefit this hall has brought me. I can honestly say that being here and engaging with all the visitors to the hall has made me a better person in the real world. It has also satisfied a great hunger in my soul for the big discussions, that most people in the real world don't have time for or care to engage in with much, if any, depth.

    I am pleased that you've decided to allow us to sustain the hall as a place to gather, check in, and converse- as it's always been, even if you'll now be less present than before.

    I hope that your efforts in your professional focus are fruitful, and make an impact in ways that will bring you satisfaction in a job well done.

    Thank you for being a touchstone of truth all these years.

  11. Eric Blair7:53 PM

    Ave atque vale, Grim.
