Closing Action

I’m thinking about hanging it up with blogging. I’ve got too much to do these days, and little time for an idle hobby. I don’t know that I have much left to say in this format anyway, and taking it offline would allow me to republish the best parts under my right name. 

Still, this is a community. You deserve say in how we wind it up. It’s been going for more than 17 years, and a few of you’ve been around that whole time. It would be wrong not to invite comment and consider your opinions. 

Consider this notice. Whatever you want to say, now’s the time. 


  1. I would truly hate to see this blog shut down. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I feel it fills a niche that isn't addressed anywhere else. However, I can appreciate the demands of life. I haven't blogged for some time now for similar reasons. Nevertheless, your voice would be missed.

  2. Anonymous7:22 AM

    What Joel said. This blog has been a source of encouragement and a spur to critical thinking. I appreciate all the work you and your co-bloggers have put into this endeavor. Your voice will be missed.

  3. I would miss this.

    But your life is your responsibility.

    Thank you for your work.

  4. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I picked up on your blog many years ago when Black Five reposted your "To Be A Gentleman" entry. I have been in awe of the scope of your knowledge, how you apply it, and the resultant blogs. Over the years, I have found myself retreating to Grim's Hall when "this old world starts getting me down and people are just too much for me to face." Grim's Hall has always been the fastest track to the practical applications of the Classics framed in a world view that I am comfortable with. Ironically, recently, I've been mustering to pitch in and become more active on your blog, having only posted once, anonymously in the past. (I am, perhaps, overly cautious about PERSEC.) I have often wondered how you do it from a time standpoint! So I understand, and wish you the best regardless of the course you decide on. Selfishly, however, I would hate to lose your blog site as a point of reference. I refer to it often as I, in my small way, spread your .... I'll call it "timeless zeitgeist." I'll take this opportunity to say THANK YOU for Grim's Hall. Godspeed, Stuart

  5. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I would really hate to see it end as I read it daily and you have some very interesting articles & commentary. But I certainly understand the amount of time and effort involved to do it.


  6. Your departure date would be a sad day, as all the above folks say--and for all those reasons, too.

    But a blog is not an obligation and cannot take precedence over family and work obligations.

    Vaya con Dios!

  7. Certainly hope you will stick around; this is a very valuable and unique blog.

  8. Also, no need for daily posts if you don't have the can always drop back to a lower frequency. I'm sure there would be many volunteers to monitor comments, add guest posts, etc.

  9. I would miss it, but I would understand. Life has its own priorities.

  10. Anonymous12:09 PM

    As with the others, I came from BlackFive and stayed for the variety and education. I'll miss the Hall, but I fully understand having other duties and responsibilities!

    Whatever you decide, sir, Godspeed, following winds, and fair skies.


  11. ymarsakar12:48 PM

    The Divine decrees, and mankind abides. Personal opinions are unnecessary on my part.

  12. Wait, don't you want to put in 3 more for the sweet retirement benefits?

  13. "Also, no need for daily posts if you don't have the can always drop back to a lower frequency."

    Agreed. The archives are valuable, and whatever the minimum of new content your platform host may require to preserve the archives of an "active" blog would be much appreciated.

  14. "Wait, don't you want to put in 3 more for the sweet retirement benefits?"

    Yes, exactly.

    "Agreed. The archives are valuable..."

    I'm backing up the content this afternoon. One possibility, I suppose, would be to take down the stuff I want to publish elsewhere; another would be to take everything down except the linked posts on the sidebar, so that what is most worth reading is still around for people to read.

    Final decisions are not made. Some of my co-bloggers, especially Tex, might want to keep doing it even if I do not.

  15. Gringo2:39 PM

    It is your decision,but if your blog goes, I'll miss it.

  16. I’ve got too much to do these days, and little time for an idle hobby.

    Well, plainly, you've misplaced your priorities.

    Still, your priorities are not mine. I'll miss your blog.

    Eric Hines

  17. Sarcasm aside, I would greatly miss the community and discussions we have here as well as Grim's perspective on topics that resonate with me.

    When nothing new has been posted here, sometimes I wander the archives like a lost grad student, and I would hate to see them go. Of course, I would look forward to anything Grim publishes on the topics we've discussed here; that would be valuable for me.

    If Tex or other writers want to continue, I would still do the random posting I do now, nothing consistent or great, but I'm always good for a new song or genre or article snippet.

    17 years is a good run, and I am much obliged.

  18. If Tex or other writers want to continue, I would still do the random posting I do now, nothing consistent or great, but I'm always good for a new song or genre or article snippet.

    I'm up for this, too. However, hosting a blog, even when the software itself is relatively free, is not costless. The domain costs money, and the hosting entity often charges a significant fee.

    Is there a way for this community to absorb the Hall's costs, were Grim to agree to keep the doors open?

    Eric Hines

  19. "Is there a way for this community to absorb the Hall's costs, were Grim to agree to keep the doors open?"

    I'd certainly contribute.

  20. I like to think some of the wisdom posted here has rubbed off on me, and I thank you for that. There are a very astute bunch of people commenting who always add to the discussion.

    Also, I would pitch in for costs.

    Priorities change, and mortal time is finite-

  21. I just got BACK to reading here after a long hiatus. I'd be sad.

  22. I have twice stopped posting, once for about four months, once for about two. Both times, I kept my hand in the game by putting up links that I though my audience wouldn't get from Instapundit, Maggie's, Althouse, etc. That worked well enough, and both times when I came back I found my own focus had shifted. I started out as a psychblogger. So I would encourage the creative destruction of stopping, but keeping yourself fresh by just putting in links without comment. In a few months you might decide you can live without the whole experience, or you might have a different slant.

    Either way, thank you.

  23. Eric Blair7:57 PM

    Do what moves you. Nothing lasts forever, and 17 years is a good run, especially for blogs.

  24. I've been blogging for a long time, and a lot of links are broken...some to media site (they seem to reorganize their structures without regard to effect on any external links) and some to blogs. One I really miss I 'Critical Mass', written by a professor of English named Erin O'Connor who showed a lot of courage in pointing out and analyzing things going disastrously wrong in academia, long before most people began to grasp the extent of the problem. (She left academia to do other things)

    One that was just deleted recently was written by a police officer's wife...she was evidently concerned about being doxxed.

  25. Since I only discovered this blog, I can't even claim to be part of the community. I have enjoyed sampling past posts and hope the blog stays up even if it is in stasis.

  26. I have read your blog for so long that I can no longer remember if I came from Blackfive or Cassandra. Either way, You have been a regular enjoyment. I wish you well and may God richly bless your future endeavors with abundance! Shalom!

  27. Hi Grim!
    Long time lurker here. I enjoyed your writing and insights. Hopefully you'll still write once a week or so, but I know there is a time for everything, including moving on. I'll still keep checking in as long as you give us a tidbit now and then. God bless!
    Doug C.
