Never give in, never, never, never.

If Winston Churchill were campaigning today, his rhetoric would be called divisive.

"If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its cunning."


  1. Gringo12:08 PM

    Rather interesting video backdrop for Across the Universe. The vandalism depicted in the video is rather prophetic, given that it comes from 2017.

  2. It's even older than that--it's a 1998 video tie-in to the movie "Pleasantville," where the soda-shop owner's business is destroyed by black-and-white townspeople outraged by the imposition of color into their TV universe. Fiona Apple's cover of the song "Across the Universe" played over the movie's credits.

    1. ymarsakar4:20 PM

      Pleasantville was super twilight zone like. Sorta like truman and bruce almighty jim c movies were outer limits.

      Only stuff that had a minimal mind control programs. If anything they were anti auth and anti control
